The Proud Parent Blog!
Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
- At Tue May 30, 12:16:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
the one in the pink is Kayla.. the other is Kaylyn. They are from the red boot group!! They're so cute!
- At Wed May 31, 05:17:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
They or she could teach this trick to the 'side-by-side' duet below. he he
- At Tue May 30, 09:38:00 AM EDT, said...
yes, that is them "side by side" did you know they won the costume award in Nashville at Nexstar just a few weeks ago, it is an Amy Brand cool
- At Tue May 30, 08:51:00 AM EDT, said...
What a great pic... Ashley looks so pretty, I hope she is doing well
- At Wed May 31, 08:51:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Hey Ashley and family. Miss you.
Monday, May 29, 2006
- At Mon May 29, 01:55:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
To honor our Veterans, tell a Vet 'hi' today.
- At Mon May 29, 05:05:00 PM EDT, said...
Hi Brian...Hi Cheryl...who else?
- At Mon May 29, 09:01:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Hi Andy (Emily's brother)!
- At Tue May 30, 09:28:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
I will tell him you said "hi." He likes that stuff. :)
I did get to chat with him very briefly yesterday. He is doing well.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Friday, May 26, 2006
- At Fri May 26, 10:09:00 AM EDT, said...
yeah it is, I love these things, this is KARS nationals in Columbus OHIO, but I am not sure what year, I know that WE like to party won big, and so did Winter and Lady Marmalade........I am not sure I think it is 2001... That dance was Amandas run for Miss Teen Kars I think she got runner up, and it was "Last Dance" It was a good routine, the other pic is Regan and she danced to " Come on Over" by Christina Aguielerra, I think... WOW! I can't wait until Nationals this year, we are gonna ROCK!!!!! miss carrie
- At Fri May 26, 10:12:00 AM EDT, said...
I'm glad Carrie chimed in 'cause I'm not or wasn't sure. I knew it wasn't my Amanda.
- At Fri May 26, 10:20:00 AM EDT, said...
i guess if i had half a brain this morning I would have looked and saw it says 2001 right there in the back ground...more coffee please.
- At Sat May 27, 08:02:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
I literally simply picked five pics at random from this group of pics - sight unseen! I took the fourth from the bottom and top, first and last and one in the middle he he.
For Alyssa's Dana (and everyone else)

Thursday, May 25, 2006
- At Thu May 25, 03:07:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Congratulations to all of our graduates. You-all have grown up WAY to fast. You are now officially FRESHMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!
- At Thu May 25, 03:21:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Congratulation Miss Emily and Miss Morgan! It is really a great and exciting day today! I feel it!
- At Thu May 25, 04:03:00 PM EDT, said...
congrats you two, we love ya!! Miss Connie and Miss Carrie....Please stop with all these graduate postings, I think I am about to find another gray hair.
- At Fri May 26, 07:57:00 AM EDT, said...
Congratulations Girls!
High School is some of the Best 4 years of your life! Use them wisely LOL - At Fri May 26, 12:43:00 PM EDT, said...
Congrats Em and Morgan!!! HOW MUCH FUN!!!! Just think Incomming FRESHMAN!!! YEAH!!!!
Dee Anna
- At Thu May 25, 06:54:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
- At Thu May 25, 07:03:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
What a great photo! And check out the action behind them.
- At Thu May 25, 08:04:00 AM EDT, said...
Congrats GIRLS!!! I LOVE YOU BOTH, 4 more years!!!! Look out Manual!!!!
Love Mom - At Thu May 25, 08:59:00 AM EDT, said...
I love you both, and Em too!!! Congrats, the future is so bright you gotta wear shades.....Miss Carrie, Miss Connie and Jordan
- At Thu May 25, 09:36:00 AM EDT, said...
- At Thu May 25, 09:41:00 AM EDT, said...
Carrie...Just think about how old us Mom's feel!
Morgan had her graduation last night from Johnson. If I could ever learn to work the digital camera I could post some pics!
Congrats to all the girls! I am so glad Morgan has such wonderful group to dance with! - At Thu May 25, 02:17:00 PM EDT, said...
ALRIGHT Carrie and Brie,
Dee Anna - At Fri May 26, 09:41:00 AM EDT, said...
CONGRATS TO ALL THE GRADUATES, Courtney, Tyler and Morgan!! Gosh you girls will love high school! It will be some of the best years of your lives. Enjoy every second because it will be gone before you know it. I hope each of you continue to grow in your own way and dance your hearts away!
You girls are a great group and I hope no matter what comes along, you all remain the best of friends! - At Fri May 26, 09:42:00 AM EDT, said...
CONGRATS TO EMILY TOO! I will see you the next few years at Butler on the dance team! You will love being a Sugar Bear!
- At Thu May 25, 07:04:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
This story behind the story... Marla did not say but what may have prompted such a wonderful post, is and Amy you know. Well, Emily wanted to do a 'photos' for her music teacher at school. Well Emily brought in her photos and I was to pick them up and make a something of them but due to the short time Emily wasn't going to be able to give the present to her until after school. I know it is much more important to do it during school so everyone may enjoy the surprise. So last night at dance, we picked up the pics, went home, made a dvd photo slideshow and Dough and Emily picked it up at later around 9:30pm. Emily picked out the music, had the photos and it was a pleasure to do this for her. Emily, her music teacher, all the kids at school may see this and enjoy it today because today is the last day of school!
- At Thu May 25, 08:05:00 AM EDT, said...
Brian, HOW AWESOME ARE YOU!!!! Ive never meet anyone with a bigger heart!!!!
Love ya,
Dee Anna - At Thu May 25, 09:01:00 AM EDT, said...
Brian, there are no words to describe how much we appreciate and need your cheerful smile and exciting comments, pics, videos, the list goes on.....Your the Best, and a great dancer by the way!!! Watch out WORLD BRIAN GINN IS ON THE LOOSE!!! miss carrie
- At Thu May 25, 03:11:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Brian, Emily said they all cried. So did I. :) It was wonderful. Thank you again.
- At Thu May 25, 03:20:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
That makes the last-minute effort all worth it! I knew it was good. I've watched it a few times myself today! I'm happy you gave me the update. I wondered all day. I just knew today was the right day for her to have it - it's all about timing and the last day, well, you can't beat that!
- At Mon May 29, 09:05:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Well Emily, thank you for the movie. It will forever remind me of you. I cried too. FYI - Emily gave me the movie "Music of the Heart" with the pictures. I just got finished watching it. - Ah these moments in life are the very best. I want more of them. Love, Brian
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
- At Wed May 24, 09:58:00 AM EDT, said...
I love this photo!! She should be on top of the world!!! She is beautiful, successful, A PROUD MOMMA, and has a hear of gold!!! WE LOVE YOU
The Martins - At Wed May 24, 10:11:00 AM EDT, said...
Aw, that is so sweet, I am a proud momma, I am also a proud dance teacher of all my wonderful girls.....Thank you I love you all too.
That made me smile. I needed to. miss carrie - At Wed May 24, 01:43:00 PM EDT, said...
Carrie you look like you are about 18 years old! Looking good girlfriend, looking good!
- At Wed May 24, 01:55:00 PM EDT, said...
Isn't she lovely, Isn't she wonderful....Any one else remember the rest...
- At Wed May 24, 02:01:00 PM EDT, said...
OHMG! I just looked up the rest of this words to this song, it came out in 1976!!
you guys forget I knew the words LOL - At Wed May 24, 02:17:00 PM EDT, said...
you guys are so good to me, now tell me what you really think. LOL!!!!!!! just teasing, thank you all for your sweet comments, I am very nervous about turning 27. I remember when we all went out in that limo for my 21st bday and Miss Connie went. Oh that was fun...Miss Carrie
- At Fri May 26, 02:46:00 PM EDT, said...
Oh I remember your 21st birthday real well! My first and only experience at "Connections" and was it a rememberable one! I loved that night and I had a blast! We need to do it again!
- At Fri May 26, 03:52:00 PM EDT, said...
yes Laura we really do, that was wayYYYYY toooo mucchh funn!!!! I loved it, We should do it again for my 27th, do you think we could get my mom to go ??? hahaha.......
- At Wed May 24, 08:42:00 AM EDT, said...
I love that look on Alyssa's face, Wow, she is so her Aunt ya though! Miss Carrie
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Gotta tell you guys...
There is simply no greater pleasure than to see you at dance! The social time is perfect. To see the dancers all talking and smiling. To see their families come to pick them up and wave and sometimes talk a little. I love each and every minute of it!
You've got to see this!

- At Tue May 23, 10:17:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
They really are. I watched the video. It was the most entertaining duet of the day! I had never seen it before and was very impressed.
- At Tue May 23, 10:23:00 AM EDT, said...
okay, I hate to be the bearer of more bad news but, Hanna, the little girl from my neighborhood is doing very bad, she has 4 spots of cancer they are giving her chemo at home and keeping her comfortable, please keep her and her family in your prayers also, she has been having nightmares about dying....So according to a freind of mine who works in the cancer wing at Kosair, time for her is near.. Miss Carrie Thank you all for your prayers....
- At Tue May 23, 10:39:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Hanna, I will think of you all day long.
- At Tue May 23, 11:58:00 AM EDT, said...
I will say a prayer for her too! I can't begin to imagine what it must be like for her and her family. She will be in my constant thoughts.
- At Tue May 23, 12:34:00 PM EDT, said...
Thank you all so much, it makes me feel good just knowing you all care so much.........Carrie
- At Tue May 23, 02:37:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
We will say a prayer and keep her in our thoughts.....
- At Wed May 24, 01:57:00 PM EDT, said...
We will keep her & her family in our prayers. Jordan also, this has to be really hard for him.
- At Thu May 25, 12:06:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
We will pray for her, and for her nightmares to stop. We will never understand why things happen the way they do, but should take comfort in knowing that there is a greater power at work here.
Monday, May 22, 2006
I would like to share this story with our Connie's family so the power of prayers can be felt by this boy and his family. Chad Pierce is 15 years old and will be turning 16 next month. He is a freshman at DeSales High School. He lives in our subdivision and use to play with Danielle when they were little. He was diagnosed last Saturday with Leukemia. They are unable to start chemo at this time because his body is "eaten up" with infection and he has pneumonia. They have put him in isolation and he is in a drug-induced coma. I was told by a neighbor that his Leukemia is very treatable but until the infection is under control and they build his immune system back up, they cannot begin chemo. Please remember him and his family in your prayers as they begin this long journey ahead of them. The power of prayer is greater than any of us and I felt it was the least I could do for this boy and his family.
Thank you. Laura Cundiff and Danielle.
- At Mon May 22, 04:23:00 PM EDT, said...
We will definitley pray....Miss CArrie and Miss Connie.
- At Mon May 22, 05:03:00 PM EDT, said...
our prayers are with him and his family.
The Merritts - At Mon May 22, 05:54:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Hi Danielle and Laura, we'll keep Chad in our thoughts and prayers too.
All the best,
The Ginn family. - At Tue May 23, 06:34:00 AM EDT, said...
Definitely in our prayers!
The Nichols Family - At Tue May 23, 08:49:00 AM EDT, said...
Laura, How awful is this, My little sister was there when they brought him in on Mothers day, he graduated from Saint Nicholas with CHASE, we have been praying non stop!!!
Dee Anna
This is big...

(click pic for larger image. Photo by Brian Ginn.)
- At Mon May 22, 08:44:00 AM EDT, said...
Okay, CONGRATS TO ALL MY GIRLS WHO MADE THE DANCE TEAMS AT SCHOOL!!! WE LOVE YA AND ARE PROUD. I saw Rachel last night at Cinderella, and I was blown away by her singing, acting, she was AMAZING. Jordan was so excited he couldn't even wait for the scenes to be over to start clapping, and Rachel you must have inspired him, last night he was bowing like he was in the play and I said " Would you like to be in a play like that and he said yeah, i might." and I was like YEAH!!!!!! You go girl, I can't wait to watch you on Broadway, I am sure I will be making frequent trips to New York to watch you and several others here at Connie's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
- At Sun May 21, 09:38:00 PM EDT, said...
Gosh Tera you're the new photoblog qween! Go Tera!!!
- At Mon May 22, 09:22:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
I am trying to take as many pictures as possible. Thanks!!
- At Tue May 23, 10:03:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
I haven't had a chance yet. Where is Marshalls on Dixie? I thought I knew where is was, but I was wrong. I don't live on that end of town, and I haven't been over on Dixie since they put it in....
- At Mon May 22, 09:20:00 AM EDT, said...
I love these kind of pics, looks like a kodak commercial....
- At Mon May 22, 03:35:00 PM EDT, said...
Happy birthday Emily! Mom, she's a little young for a tatoo ;)
- At Mon May 22, 04:41:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
That's funny. The mark on her arm is actually marker the life guard put on them so they would know she couldn't go in the deep end without an adult. But is looks like a lightening bolt, doesn't it?
- At Tue May 23, 09:53:00 AM EDT, Ken & Charisse said...
I'm glad you can tell this is Miranda because I can't!
- At Tue May 23, 10:16:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Okay Charisse, the only reason I know it is her is right after this there is a picture of Jessica giving Miranda a great big bear hug. Hum, guess I could put that picture up here huh? lol
Friday, May 19, 2006
hey guys!!!
- At Sat May 20, 06:10:00 AM EDT, said...
oh my gosh guys, Casey and I went to see Rachel Friday night...I see an Tony Award,in her future LOL It was wonderful! Really I am not just saying that because I think Rachel is all that and a bag of chips! We laughed we cried, it was really great. Cheri said she thought Sat. Night was close to being sold out, but Sunday was still good. You should go really, trust me on this one. When she sang "in my own little Corner"...I get goose bumps all over again!
You go Rachel, I can't wait to drive that Limo...I don't want to wear the hat though...Can we have a humer limo?? :)
- At Fri May 19, 11:00:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
- At Sat May 20, 06:14:00 AM EDT, said...
WOW is this family great or what!
Congrads to Danielle,Emily and Jessica.
We will have more great news today...stay tuned.... - At Sat May 20, 06:29:00 AM EDT, said...
YEAH!! Go Girls!!! Congrats!
- At Sat May 20, 06:13:00 PM EDT, said...
Way to go Danielle and Emily! I can't wait to watch my favorite Connie's girls rock the "Sugar Bears"!
- At Sat May 20, 07:41:00 PM EDT, said...
Amy, I love the 'Brie's ballerinas' name. It should stick.
This just in! Jessica made dance team!
Hip Hip Hurray! She says I should order her pizza now he he. Okay, I will.
- At Fri May 19, 06:37:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
Congtratulations Jessica!! We are very happy for you.
- At Fri May 19, 06:38:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
Well I guess I spelled that wrong. Congratulations!! How's that...
- At Fri May 19, 09:14:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Way to go, Jess!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- At Sat May 20, 06:16:00 AM EDT, said...
Good Job Jessica! you looked so pretty last night, just like Nicole Kidman...I kept waiting for Keith...
- At Sat May 20, 06:12:00 PM EDT, said...
Congratulations Jessica! I can't wait to see you perform for Pres. again!
- At Fri May 19, 11:01:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
It was something else! It was wonderful! We were there with Rachel's family and friends with Becky and Casey too! Big fun.
- At Sat May 20, 06:52:00 AM EDT, said...
Brian I love this picture!
- At Fri May 19, 08:00:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
I re-read my post and don't want to alarm anybody. The 'opening' I'm speaking of is not Connies' Annie but I can't remember the name or anything - help!
- At Fri May 19, 08:28:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
That would be "Cinderella." - At Fri May 19, 08:32:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
from the website comes: "To purchase tickets through our box office call 502.584.7777" too!
- At Fri May 19, 08:33:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Gosh Rachel, this is totally exciting!
- At Fri May 19, 08:00:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
- At Sat May 20, 03:00:00 PM EDT, said...
Yeah well Alexa and I were acting like crazy people and she was supposed to do it with me, but i guess not!!!!! LOL j/k i love you Alexa
-MIRANDA JEAN- - At Sat May 20, 07:40:00 PM EDT, said...
Alex. Alex? She *never* acts like a crazy person! ;)
Thursday, May 18, 2006
- At Thu May 18, 08:51:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
Aren't they just the cutest lil tumblers in town!!
- At Thu May 18, 06:22:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
This is a great pic.
- At Fri May 19, 07:50:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Well said Amy, well said.
- At Fri May 19, 10:40:00 AM EDT, said...
I absolutely love this picture, It makes me so proud...Miss Carrie.
- At Thu May 18, 11:09:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
We will, I hope everything turns out okay....
- At Thu May 18, 11:31:00 AM EDT, said...
Always, I recognize that carpet......Miss cArrie
- At Thu May 18, 11:44:00 AM EDT, said...
I hope everything turns out well Ms. Charlee Lynn! We love you Ms. Platinum!
- At Thu May 18, 11:56:00 AM EDT, said...
Go Charlee-Lyn LU
- At Thu May 18, 01:48:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
Bailey says....
I love you Charlee,
love, bailey - At Thu May 18, 03:53:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Charlee-lyn, the future holds many good things for you, sweetie. You have the most beautiful smile.
- At Thu May 18, 09:40:00 PM EDT, said...
My Daughter from a nother Mother,
Every since I met you at that Teddy Bear Picnic, I knew you were special...We love you! You are DA WOMAN! P.S. stay away from those Noodles
- At Thu May 18, 08:52:00 AM EDT, said...
Yeah he really is, and man do I love this pic. It is the coolest.
- At Thu May 18, 10:00:00 AM EDT, said...
- At Thu May 18, 10:05:00 AM EDT, said...
Sorry 'bout the triple post. I hsve issues!!!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
- At Thu May 18, 11:11:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
Hey Brian, can you do this with any picture? If so, how? I can post pictures, but not with any effects like this. Thanks!!
- At Thu May 18, 06:18:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
About the pic Tera. Look closely. It is the same pic as below! I do these 'special' touches in Photoshop. All the best. Brian
I want to apologize for not thoroughly reading some posts back in April. It was brought to my attention that there were some suspicious "things" in some pics taken at Memorial Auditorium.
In one, I am certain that it is dust particles.
In the other (Picture Perfect), I have forwarded that photo to our SIGHT president for her personal opinion. I know what mine are, but want to confirm them with her, and will let you know when I hear from her.
Personally, I would love for them to be orbs. :)
- At Wed May 17, 02:46:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
I am glad someone is going to clarify these. I thought it was just the light, but I wasn't sure. I am with Amy, I can't wait to find out
- At Wed May 17, 06:54:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Holly, as I look at these well-wish pictures, I can't help but to think of you. You're great. I love seeing all those older pics from a few years ago at Barnstable-Brown. I lost tons of pics I've taken in the past but smile each time I see you, Jessica and everyone together, happy in the ones I still have.
- At Wed May 17, 07:59:00 AM EDT, said...
Amy, the pic above is different than the one before! take a look. Hey, post pics - everyone else too! :)
- At Wed May 17, 08:45:00 AM EDT, said...
Danielle, Em, Jess do your best and be confident you have skills baby....Brian your such a great guy. I just can't stress that enough.... This pic of me is actually not that bad. Love Miss Carrie aka Proud Anteater.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Pictures Are On the Website From Tennessee!!
Just thought I would let everyone know that the pictures are on the website from last weekends competition in Tennessee. The email address is and the password is NT88. Thanks Tera
- At Tue May 16, 01:29:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
Are any of you mom's that went to Tennessee ordering a video??
- At Wed May 17, 09:56:00 AM EDT, Dana said...
The dvd is $35 for the first one, then $10 for each one after that. I believe you have to each each number seperately. I will talk to you about it tonight at tumbling!
- At Wed May 17, 09:56:00 AM EDT, Dana said...
The dvd is $35 for the first one, then $10 for each one after that. I believe you have to each each number seperately. I will talk to you about it tonight at tumbling!
- At Wed May 17, 09:57:00 AM EDT, Dana said...
I meant you have to order each number seperately. sorry! LOL
- At Tue May 16, 10:02:00 AM EDT, said...
Look at Mom and Dad to be!!! They look so happy!!! HAPPY LATE MOM TO BE DAY AMANDA!!! Hope you are taking good care of yourself and Im sure Dad is pampering you!!! Give us an update soon.
Dee Anna - At Tue May 16, 10:58:00 PM EDT, said...
Hi Everyone!!!!
Shawn and I are very happy and excited to be parents! I am working out and eating right. The baby is always on the move!!! Of course, my two favorite guys are taking verey good care of me!! Im lovin it!!
Monday, May 15, 2006
- At Wed May 17, 02:49:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
This picture is really good. I love it....
Jessica would love your show of support.
She is trying out for dance team this week - it's like a three day process. So please shout-out with comments of support!
P.S. - We would have loved to have been with all of you this past weekend. Missed all the fun.
- At Mon May 15, 01:45:00 PM EDT, said...
Goodluck Jessica! We know you can dance so just show them what you got girl! Have fun with it and everything else will come naturally!
The best of luck to you!
Brian you will have to do this for Danielle and Emily on Wednesday. They also have a three day tryout session beginning on Wednesday! - At Mon May 15, 02:05:00 PM EDT, said...
Goodluck, I know you will do great!!! Have fun and smile!!! We will be thinking of you
The Martin Family - At Mon May 15, 02:07:00 PM EDT, said...
FORGOT!!! Im thinking of you guys too!! GO DANIELLE and EMILY, Ill send more love on WEDNESDAY!!!
Dee Anna - At Mon May 15, 04:59:00 PM EDT, said...
Good Luck Jessica, Danielle and Emily!!!
- At Mon May 15, 11:37:00 PM EDT, said...
Good Luck Sis!!
I love ya
Prego - At Tue May 16, 08:07:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Jessica, go get 'em. You are going to do great. I have complete faith in you.
- At Tue May 16, 08:51:00 AM EDT, said...
Jess, I know you will rock out and do great!!! I love ya, smile and be confident...I had so much fun this weekend, we only took 10 numbers and we won a ton of stuff!! Plus all of my girls looked great as usual and made me extremely proud to say I teach at Connie's, The world is our stage. Can't wait till Nationals!!!!! Love Miss Carrie aka BLONDIE LOL
Sunday, May 14, 2006
- At Mon May 15, 05:30:00 AM EDT, said...
look at the lady just over Tyler's shoulder, she is saying....please can I get another table!!
thanks Marla for the pictures!! - At Tue May 16, 10:50:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
This, this is the best picture EVER!
- At Tue May 16, 11:46:00 AM EDT, said...
I don't know about this blonde, it will soon be back to normal....scarry. Okay Your welcome I love teaching these talented young ladies, I enjoy it all. It is my favorite competition to go out of town,we always have fun and feel more together as a group, I love it!!!!!! Miss Carrie
- At Mon May 15, 08:42:00 AM EDT, said...
It was an adventure as always!!! Thanks Carrie for all your hard work. Becky, no more all night trips!!! Coffee never Cappacino!!!
All you girls did awesome, I was so proud of you!!! What beautiful dancers we have!!
See you soon
Dee Anna
- At Sun May 14, 11:28:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Could be.
- At Sun May 14, 10:17:00 PM EDT, said...
Thanks for the picture Marla. She looks so sweet! Must be a dream! hee hee!!
- At Mon May 15, 09:50:00 AM EDT, said...
WE LOVE YOUR DAUGHTER!!! It was fun to get to spend time with her. Im so glad that Court, Ty, and Morgan will be going through the next 4 years together!! Im sure we will have a lot to talk about!!!
Dee Anna - At Mon May 15, 08:53:00 PM EDT, said...
Thanks Dee Anna! Yes, I'm sure we are just beginning a big journey! I can't wait, but I'm scared! I cannot believe my girl is starting High School. I think this is hitting me worse than kindegarten!
- At Mon May 15, 08:55:00 PM EDT, said...
Oops! maybe I need to go back to KINDERGARTEN!!
The Day Comes to a Close!

Just want to say thank you to Ms. Carrie for getting our girls to where they needed to be, we really appreciated it. Thank you to Allison (Amy's sister), she helped out a great deal with everything. And last but not least, Amy, I know you spend hours getting these costumes together just to make our girls look great. THANK YOU! I really appreciate it. It's 12:20 a.m. Happy Mothers Day! I am going to bed.
- At Sun May 14, 11:02:00 AM EDT, said...
Does anyone know the code to look at the picturs on Nexstar's website?
Thanks...Sheri - At Sun May 14, 12:33:00 PM EDT, said...
I do have the info!!
our Pass Code is NT88
But, it says that it will be a few days.
that is so pretty, Hey tommorow is my BDAY....I will be 27! yikes. Miss Carrie
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Carrie, happy birthday to you! :)
I can't believe how much older these two look in just one year! OH MY GOSH DOES THAT MEAN I LOOK THAT MUCH OLDER TOO! LOL
thank you thank you and no Laura, don't you know we just get better looking not old looking...........
Older? Older? Jessica's last day of school is today! Older? But I still look good ;)
Yes Brian you were looking good last night! How come you are not looking older? What is your trick because I need all the "tricks" I can get! LOL
You are very kind Laura. I have no idea. :) You look great youself btw. :)
I like this picture. Its a little grainy but I love it overall.
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