From last years, dvd comes Mara and Miranda! How I got this is unreal. I was working, testing some software to extract video to iPods and used this DVD as a test and it worked! So, I further extract for you here on the web as a picture! Okay, now go to your bookshelf and pull out the dvd and watch it. It's only 12 minutes long but oh so good! You know you want too. :)
(click pic for larger image. Photo extracted from the video 'The Spectrum 5/14/2005" by Brian Ginn.)
They really are. I watched the video. It was the most entertaining duet of the day! I had never seen it before and was very impressed.
okay, I hate to be the bearer of more bad news but, Hanna, the little girl from my neighborhood is doing very bad, she has 4 spots of cancer they are giving her chemo at home and keeping her comfortable, please keep her and her family in your prayers also, she has been having nightmares about dying....So according to a freind of mine who works in the cancer wing at Kosair, time for her is near.. Miss Carrie Thank you all for your prayers....
Hanna, I will think of you all day long.
I will say a prayer for her too! I can't begin to imagine what it must be like for her and her family. She will be in my constant thoughts.
Thank you all so much, it makes me feel good just knowing you all care so much.........Carrie
We will say a prayer and keep her in our thoughts.....
We will keep her & her family in our prayers. Jordan also, this has to be really hard for him.
We will pray for her, and for her nightmares to stop. We will never understand why things happen the way they do, but should take comfort in knowing that there is a greater power at work here.
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