Stepp's live show
Did anyone watch? I watched it tonight. Tried to download it to my pc but for some reason I couldn't. Several of our girls are on it.
Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
Did anyone watch? I watched it tonight. Tried to download it to my pc but for some reason I couldn't. Several of our girls are on it.
Oh my gosh Brian that is awsome, can you blow that up for me so I can hang it in my house, You know I live on Wysteria Lane....... HEHEHE Miss Carrie
Oh yea, you did say you lived there! Yes, We'll find a way to make you a poster size version of this. Glad you like it. It was fun doing it. Love, Brian
Wow Ms. you have a gardener LOL
I wish I , that looks just like him on the show. HAHAHAHA
I've been told I look just like him. - WM
;) ok wm...
that's all I am going to say, bout that
OMG! That is so cool and yes Carrie looks absolutely gorgeous! You are looking so good these days! You go girl! I love Desperate Housewives! I want a poster size picture of the sexy gardener without his shirt on (ha ha)! Do you for real live on Wysteria Lane? That is too cool!
No, Laura I really don't, but we say I do cuz I joke and say I am Edy because I am single and young and blonde and some of the neighbors, well you know how women can be sometimes. But I don't want their husbands, I am single and loving it.( That is funny though.)
Carrie, I love the photo!!! Did you show your work Buddies?
Yea I did, some of them, I am not really suppose to be using the internet, but hey, who knows? cb
Brian, Thank you so so much for taking those pics last night and all the time. You are wonderful!!! Love Miss Carrie
Did anyone notice that you can see Brian in the left of the mirror?
You keep helping Emily. It's a great quality.
I'll take Mrs. Connie and Mrs. Brie's photos Thursday and also Miss Caitlynn.
All the best,
This is very graceful. I'm thinking Snow Queen. Watch out girls, you have some competition :) -SE
Yea, I'm thinking 'bout asking him to do a duet with me :)
I am releived...I thought he had tripped on all of Tyler's junk in that corner LOL
Actually, he had to do it twice because I missed the photo-op the first time. LOL
Joe can still do it!
BEAUTIFUL! It reminds me of wind blowing. -SE
BRIAN it is be there at like 5 Thanks, miss Carrie
Yes, this is Betty's gray hair LOL
I don't see any gray!
Trust me is there. I know for a fact because this is my gray head....LOL I was teasing Betty.
Whoops again on my part. :)
Do tell me, you did recognize it was Courtney didn't you?
Found out tonight that Miss Tyler took this wonderful photo! WOW!
As I am sure a lot of you have been following the Eswines site you know that Miriam has made her way to heaven. It was a long weekend for her family. Charlee-lyn spent most of the weekend crying and wondering why God would take such a young girl away from her family. Why he would allow her to feel so much pain. I can not imagine how the Eswine family is dealing with this greif! Please keep them in your prayers.
I wonder too.
What a neat photo, how did you do that?
Mara's solo is at 5:00 and that is the first one of the day. However, she will not be ready until group because she is coming from practice at Noe. At 5:30, "Audrey", Courtney, and Tyler have their trio. That is all I know at the moment. See you soon :)
You know you've opened up a can of worms with this. What a wonderful pic.
And you know I'm happy to do more with this as you wish.
I'd like to see this a mural (spell?).
I'd like to see this as a mural.
Tonight at dance Miss Carrie called this the 'Desperate Housewives' look! She loved it.
Hi Moms and Dads,
Thank you Becky. Very good and helpful information.
If you have trouble finding the link, I found it here.
Its funny to see Brian's picture on here...when I seen this I was thinking "how did he do that?" LOL Its been a long day
Yea, I was shocked too! he he
I'm so good looking I can't understand why there aren't more! ;)
that was my thought...
Hey Em, I loved your expression! Its so dangerous. ;)
I told Jessica I really liked the music you were playing when I came into your class Thurday during Jessica's solo. What were you playing? Jessica said she really liked it too.
Wow, I just listened and found that song because of your reply and man oh man is it good. I think I'm going to do my solo to it next time ;)
Hey, did Court get her signed photo?
We got that straight! Cool!
Gosh Em, I didn't mean to leave you out - you know that but I'm not very good from the back!
Please keep the Eswine family in your thoughts today. I know a lot of you are following her site, Miriams system has begun shuting down. Her pain in these last hours have been undescribable. Please pray that God will release her from her pain! Her family continues to ask for prayers, prayers for Miriam , and now prayers for themselves. I have been very touched by this family. I wish that we could do something for them, but nothing we have to offer would make things better. I cant believe that I am asking God to take a child, but at this point I wish he would wrap his arms around her and take her to a better place. Thank you for taking the time to say a special prayer today, I know it will be heard.
By the way, Courtney does not have a tear!! Yeah! As she put it last night, its just a paint in her butt!!!( She has a pulled hamstring)
Courtney....I just want you to knowt that there are lots of comments that I can make here....about the Pain in the butt..But I want you to know that I am not going to do it...I am not going to do it...I am not going to do it...I am not going to do it....
oooohhhhh.....but I will !!!!! It's POETIC JUSTICE !!!!!LOLOLOLOLOLO... Mr.Becky
thepainin the BUTT part...Mr Becky
Amy, was that you who made them trophies? Very thoughtful.
I actually ordered the trophies, but all of the Moms bought them. What is your first competition without a trophy? :) I think they like them.
Oh and PWM, just for a laugh, on our way home from Alyssa's duet. She informed us that you and Brie were married. :O -SE
I know. I've been trying to keep it a secret.
Oh I love reading all these comments about the little ones. That was a great Mommy thing to do in getting the trophies. I'm sure those girls were beaming. Gosh Amy I didn't realize you were a "swinger". LOL.
That comment is too funny!
Oh I just realized that it was Amy saying Brian and Brie were married. Dah! Sorry Amy I thought it was somebody saying it about you and Brie. Anyways I still think it's a scream!
It's Ok Laura. I'll let it slide. This is too funny.
Funny? I think it's great! ;)
Wow. How wonderful! Great Job! Yeah!
Emily looked awesome at competition. If you didn't get to see her, you missed a wonderful show. -SE
I love those curls, and that is just precious picture....
Well it was so nice to see everyone today at dance. Jessica worked with Brie again for the first time. Nice. Alyssa liked her pic with Charlee and sis. Amy made it her wallpaper. Saw Courtney today and mom. Wonderful. Got an email from Miss Carrie (she's online with email once again ;) She loves me and I love her. Saw Tyler (missed you Casey but saw your comment 'bout phantom below.) Saw lots of younger dancers that I took their pics today like Tori and Kelsey. Kelsey's mom saw the blog. Saw Mrs. Connie. Saw Rachel and mom oh and I got a peak at the Brie and Rachel duet - nice - very nice. If I left anyone out, forgive me. Just off the top of my head. Oh and Mara, your beautiful as always! Tell you dad I said 'hi'. And Rachel said she had pics to put up but school is in the way! I understand. Oh yea, saw their dog today too. My Amanda has two Yorkies too. Big fun as always. Love, Brian
Oh and Tori's mom reminded me it was their first competition too. She said they did really well. That is such a great memory.
its not Rachel this is
Miss.Audrey....Isn't she beautiful?
I get it. :)
I just spoke to my sister and Steve recieved an Email from Miriams mom at 2:00am this morning. Hospice had to up her medicine last night and said that she will be making her journey to heaven within hours. Please pray for the Eswine family that they will be strong and continue to follow their deep faith in God. Pray that Jesus leads Miriam home soon and keeps her from pain.
doing it Right now.
I have and will continue to pray for that beautiful young lady and her family. You are so right that all our problems seem trivial compared to what that family has been going through. It has been a heart wrenching story and thank you for letting us send more prayers their way.
Miriah is a riot!
Yeah! Thanks PWM! This is great. They all look the same :) And they couldn't be any cuter. -SE
What a great picture. I didn't get to take pictures while they were dancing. Thanks!!
This was a picture I took right after they finished their dance. They did such a great job. As you can see she is still smiling from ear to ear. - Tera
P.S. Brian I figured it out without help! I am still shocked.
Go Tera! I love this pic. of Haleigh. You'll have to talk me through how to do this so I can stop bugging Brian. I'm still thinking of your jungle name. I'll let you know tomorrow.
Oh, I got trophies for the girls and am picking them up tomorrow. I think they'll love them.
-Amy (Soaring Eagle)
Everyone welcome Tera! I love Tera 'cause she is posting photos and that helps me to help you! YEAH!
Jungle names, I love it. :)
I'm thinking that we should have done the lobby in animal print instead of stipes and a "Welcome to the Jungle" sign on the wall. He,he (SE)
What a great idea!
I love Tera too. This group of Moms is a riot. Connie does all of the hard work in the "other room" while we blab in the lobby.
I am so glad you got the trophies. I wasn't sure if you had time or not. Haleigh was little unhappy she didn't get one right then, even though I explained it to her. I guess when they are that young they expect immediate reward. See you tonight!
P.S. I will bring my camara so I can get some pictures of them with their trophies.
You go girl!
When your storm moves inJust trust in Him,
In the storms roarTake shelter in the Lord.
Dance-dance in the rain-have no fear
Dance-dance in the rain-He is there
Dance-dance in the rain-this won’t last
Dance-dance in the rain-the storm will pass
Dance-dance in the rain-He’ll see you through
Dance-dance in the rain-He’ll take care of you
Kathleen Shelton Poulson
Becky, I LOVE THIS, I would love to send it to her, I am attaching it to an email and sending it to Steve right now!! YOU ARE AWESOME, she will love this.
Hi Dee, if you click on the little white envelope with a black arrown at the bottom right of each story, you can email it that way too.
I have a huge favor to ask, there is a young girl 14 years old her name is Miriam. She was a student of my brother in law over in Floyd Knob Indiana. Miriam has cancer and is in her final days on earth. She has been fighting cancer for a very long time. Miriam was a ballerina!! Who loved to dance. Her mom is ready to let her dance her way to heaven. She is asking for PRAYERS, prayers for Miriam her little sister her dad, and for the first time in all of this she is asking for prayers to help make her strong! I know how thoughtful all of you are and I hope that you will keep the Eswine family in your prayers.
Try this link for the one in Dee's story
Thank Brian
I just went to the link and I am sitting at my desk bawling right now. The strength and courage that is displayed through her writing is unbelievable. As a parent, I can't even begin to imagine how I would feel. It even has more meaning to me because my dear friend and next door neighbor has a stage 4 brain tumor and is progressively getting worse. I will say a prayer for this beautiful little girl and her family.
Thanks guys! I knew I could count on you all!!! Laura, we will add your neighbor to our prayers!
Dee Anna, we will definitely keep this family in our thoughts and prayers. When my son was in Boy Scouts, we had a scout who's sister had bone cancer and passed away at 16. This made me think of them.
OK Brian,
that is so, if you see that someone has posted something inappropriate on our site you can delete it by double clicking on the trash can...that is why Brian made us adminstators. so we can monitor what is written. Some times there are sounds like the next chapter in "AS THE TUTU TURNS"
Alright now, that gives you way too much power!!!
Yes, I'm quiet I know. Sometimes I just don't know what to say. Prayer is a good and helpful thing. Wait, most-of-the-time I don't know what to say.
I didn't know what the word "palliate" from the linked story meant so I looked it up here.
You go Marla Jo! Nice pic Marla.
I have no idea, there is no tellin, but that is Charlee I am talking to so that conversation I am sure was interesting to say the least...... Miss Carrie. (That face is hidious.)
Carrie Berry!! I can only imagine what was being said!!! HA HA, If your reading this, Charlee has confrence at school at 5:30 today and we wont be at her solo, I thought you might want to see if Em and who ever goes behind her might want to come early!!! ALSO, we did PHYS. Ther. last night with Courtney, she says she will be back next week, the MRI is tomorrow at 3:45, I really think it is a pulled hamstring, they say it depends on how much the indiv. is willing to stretch and work it out as to how fast it will heal. We started hot cold treatments last night!!
FOR ALL YOU WONDERFUL DANCERS!!! I have copies of stretches that you guys should be doing, the doc says this is the most common injury in a dancer and can be prevented!!!! I know Courtney has learned a lesson. Also, she was concerned with all the bruising on Courtneys knees and said you guys really need to be wearing knee pads when you practice!!! LISTEN TO THE DOC!!
Dee Anna, please make copies for us. I am definitely going to get Em some knee pads. I'm glad Courtney is doing okay and will be back soon.
The expression is priceless, we could make it a contest...blow the picture up and let people guess "what is Carrie Saying" LOL
Dee, I want to see that list too please.
'RC' is Becky's jungle name abbreviation Running Cheetah as giving to her by Amy who is 'SE' or Soaring Eagle!
Oh and I ask who took the pic and Tyler said she did. She held her hand out. Cool and nice pic!
Okay, Ty tells me last night that this is not the pic she took.
My head is swimming (j/k). Hope you feel better. Tell your fam we said 'hi'.
Way to go Jessica! I remember on either your sixth or seventh birthday, when I asked what you wanted for your b-day, you told me a Corvette! LOL The article was really special, it made me cry....
Well, I don't know where to say this but Jessica's doctor called and said she'll be on crutches for another two weeks. Nothing else was found. Said it is just a really bad bruise. Oh and Becky, I read your comment to Jessica as she was leaving for school. :)
How awesome!!! I would love to read the article
Way to go Jess, We have alot of fame at our studio!!!! Miss Carrie
Wow, Jess, that is so cool. How far are you from getting that Vette? Do we all get a ride? hehehe
And Courtney, I can't wait to see your commercial.
We have the greatest much talent and beauty.
Jessica has more pics of this on her blog.
I saw the article last night at dance. I wish I had started saving cans to get a Corvette too. It was a really nice article and nice pictures. I'm glad the knee was just a bad bruise.
It sounds like these girls really need to be wearing knee pads for practice.
I agree, even Jessica agrees to wear them in the future.
Hello Denise. Simply click on my name under contributors, then click on 'Email' in the upper left. Then I'll send you an invitation.
we look good love all of you
Thanks for this pic. It is now the backround for our computer. Alyssa LOVES it.
Oh I didn't notice your reply until now. I am so glad you like it. My pleasure. :)
P.S. Did you get your sign-in working again?
Thanks PWM. I can't wait to show this to Mara when she gets home.
Please say a prayer today for Jessicas' knee, it didn't get such great news the other day. And keep crossing our fingers and praying for Court. Thanks, Miss Carrie. I also wanted to tell all of the parents the girls are so fired up and ready to go!! Comp was a good thing,.
You know, if they were going to use Mara's head in their logo, they should really ask. he, he (SE)
I noticed that. It looks so good there!
Brian, what did you find out last night about Jessica's Knee. After you guys walked out, I remember she was going back to the DR. also yesterday
Thanks for asking. We are waiting on a call from her Doctor today. The doctor is thinking the MRI was read wrong and having it re-read today. Not so good news.
Brian I sure hope Jessica's knee is going to be okay. I really had not talked with you too much about it but reading these postings makes me think her injury was much worse than I realized. I'm so sorry! I hope that re-reading the MRI will bring better news. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted on her results and Dee Anna keep us posted on Courtney too.
Thank you Laura.
Just watched! there are alot of our girls in it! Go Miss Carrie!
Very nice. Thanks Marla Jo!
Marla, I will have to come to your house and watch it, I can't get it to come up on my computer either...Miss Carrie
Carrie, no problem. Anytime. :)
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