The Power of Prayer
I have a huge favor to ask, there is a young girl 14 years old her name is Miriam. She was a student of my brother in law over in Floyd Knob Indiana. Miriam has cancer and is in her final days on earth. She has been fighting cancer for a very long time. Miriam was a ballerina!! Who loved to dance. Her mom is ready to let her dance her way to heaven. She is asking for PRAYERS, prayers for Miriam her little sister her dad, and for the first time in all of this she is asking for prayers to help make her strong! I know how thoughtful all of you are and I hope that you will keep the Eswine family in your prayers.
They have a website, feel free to visit there website . Their faith , and courage has been unbelievable through all of this!
I thank God everyday for healthy children! I know all of you moms feel the same way. Remember to keep this little girl in your thoughts and prayers! I know God will listen and take Miriam away from her pain. Her mom wrote, " God has finished wallpapering Miriams room in heaven, she is ready to go."
Try this link for the one in Dee's story
Thank Brian
I just went to the link and I am sitting at my desk bawling right now. The strength and courage that is displayed through her writing is unbelievable. As a parent, I can't even begin to imagine how I would feel. It even has more meaning to me because my dear friend and next door neighbor has a stage 4 brain tumor and is progressively getting worse. I will say a prayer for this beautiful little girl and her family.
Thanks guys! I knew I could count on you all!!! Laura, we will add your neighbor to our prayers!
Dee Anna, we will definitely keep this family in our thoughts and prayers. When my son was in Boy Scouts, we had a scout who's sister had bone cancer and passed away at 16. This made me think of them.
OK Brian,
that is so, if you see that someone has posted something inappropriate on our site you can delete it by double clicking on the trash can...that is why Brian made us adminstators. so we can monitor what is written. Some times there are sounds like the next chapter in "AS THE TUTU TURNS"
Alright now, that gives you way too much power!!!
Yes, I'm quiet I know. Sometimes I just don't know what to say. Prayer is a good and helpful thing. Wait, most-of-the-time I don't know what to say.
I didn't know what the word "palliate" from the linked story meant so I looked it up here.
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