Jessica is featured in the Corvette museum's publication "America's Sports Car" this issue! It's been in the works for a month now with the people coming up here to do photographs and story background. You see Jessica saves cans to go toward a Corvette and has all her life. She has also been asked to model for print for their clothing line! (click pic for larger image. Photo's by Debbie of the Covertte museum.) PS. Thanks Jess for helping me spell 'museum' correctly :)
Way to go Jessica! I remember on either your sixth or seventh birthday, when I asked what you wanted for your b-day, you told me a Corvette! LOL The article was really special, it made me cry....
Well, I don't know where to say this but Jessica's doctor called and said she'll be on crutches for another two weeks. Nothing else was found. Said it is just a really bad bruise. Oh and Becky, I read your comment to Jessica as she was leaving for school. :)
How awesome!!! I would love to read the article
Way to go Jess, We have alot of fame at our studio!!!! Miss Carrie
Wow, Jess, that is so cool. How far are you from getting that Vette? Do we all get a ride? hehehe
And Courtney, I can't wait to see your commercial.
We have the greatest girls....so much talent and beauty.
Jessica has more pics of this on her blog.
I saw the article last night at dance. I wish I had started saving cans to get a Corvette too. It was a really nice article and nice pictures. I'm glad the knee was just a bad bruise.
It sounds like these girls really need to be wearing knee pads for practice.
I agree, even Jessica agrees to wear them in the future.
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