Connie's Dancers Prep for the Big Weekend

You dancers are great and wonderful and mean the world to us!
Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
We have lift off! Doug, of Marla and Emily's family has donated an HP DeskJet 932c printer for the music computer at Connie's. Thank you very much Doug. Now we can print homework, really. We have AppleWorks and Word on the computer too. Also, we have a calendard program and we can start a calendar and print it. We just need a USB cable for it as I think it already has the printer driver installed. :)
Thank you Doug!
Brian, How about Doug Donates Duplicator, you know the old mimeograph machines like the teachers used to make our tests in school from, that stunk really, really bad. For you younger folks, that was back before computer printers and even copying machines. Way, way back then.
Thank You Doug
Brian, How about Doug Donates Duplicator, you know the old mimeograph machines like the teachers used to make our tests in school from, that stunk really, really bad. For you younger folks, that was back before computer printers and even copying machines. Way, way back then.
I am wierd I know but used to love that smell LOL the purple ink...Wow maybe that is what is wrong with me now...sniffing purple ink!!!
Hey Cheryl, that is great! Wished I'd thought of that! BTW Em, 'Woodstock' is Cheryl, Jessica's mom!
Gosh, I'm so slow. It took me 'til now to figure out what Becky was referring too! :O
Thanks Tyler for the USB cord!
Martin Family Dinner... I'm in. :)
Sounds Wonderful!!!
I can create some "Connie's Cosmopolitans"! ha ha
I just wanted to THANK ALL OF YOU FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS AND SUPPORT,My grandmother is coming home maybe today and she is feeling better and breathing better, Miss Connie said it was nothing short of a miracle, so all your prayers helped so much. I am so thankful that we have all of you. Your very special people and I hope that you all know how much we appreciate your love and support always...... Miss Carrie
Wow, great news
Personally, this [site] is one of my life's greatest accomplishments. With all of you I've been able to share some great memories and recreate others. I've shared the love of stories and hopes and bad news too. It just seems nice to see everyone come together like this. The nicknames, the fun, the bad news and the good news. The birthdays. It is all a wonderful thing. A bright moment in my life. Love, Brian
Brian, We all love this site!! It has been awesome!! Thank you for all your hard work and time.
I am so glad that your grandma is doing so much better. We are still praying for her.
Dee Anna
BRian this is so cute, can you make that into like a sticker to put on your car window. I love it. It is just beautiful. I miss them being that little and tiny. Thank you so much for all you do, words can't describe how special of person you are to all of us......Hey, we need to get together next week to work on that wall of fame pic. Miss Carrie
OK Brian, I ve got to ask, HOW DID YOU DO THIS ONE!!!!
Happy you asked. I took the small thumbnail view of a recent set of blog photos, did a screen capture. Opened that in Photoshop. Then I opened the Apple Mail program, created a new message using the "Crazy message text" script to get the Honk line. Did a screen capture of that and put that too into Photoshop. Then, in Photoshop itself I added the web address. Done. :) Glad you enjoyed it.
Ok on the Wall-of-Fame for next week Carrie.
That is Natalie.....okay, though you are the man.
That is the most beautiful home I've ever seen.
GOSH It doesn't look like the same house, but it looks awsome. I can't wait to see it.... My Grandman is at Suburban, she is staying another night for sure, she is doing okay, well, they say a little better, I went to visit her on Saturday (Jordan too,) and she seemed very very short of breath, She is going to see the stomach doctor today, they think she is bleeding in her stomach. Thank you all for your prayers, I love ya!!! See ya tonight, and hey Srs, bring your costumes for stoning tonight is the last night. Love Miss Carrie!!!
THANK YOU BRIAN, after all the mess, Im very happy.
Carrie, your grandma is in our constant prayers. I know Courtney told her Confirmation teacher to add her to the prayer list. ALSO, I want you to read the letter "WHY I CHOOSE MY SPONSER"' I cried, I hope you know how much you have effected my daughter!!! You have been such a MAJOR part of her life. I am so happy she has found someone like you in her life. The letter is a tear jerker!! I am gonna copy it for you. WE love you guys and and thinking of your mom too!!
As for everyone else, DINNER at my house in two weeks!! We are having Italian!!! Let me know if you can make it!!!
Wow Deanna the pictures look great! I can't wait to see it and yes indeed I love italian food. I'm sure you keep clicking your heels saying "there's no place like home, there's no place like home". I'm really glad your family is all together back in their comfort zone.
See ya tonight!
Carrie do you still have the Srs. costumes for Phantom? Or were you talking about a different costume?
No, same one, I still have some but I am missing a bunch, so please pass the word. Amy and Becky are suppose to be helping glue and I am sure if DeeAnna has time she will help too, I am going to do an example one, and then turn them loose. I wanted to get them done tonight and out of the way, as I am sure you know, I have lots of loads on my shoulders this week. Thanks Girly, Carrie.
YES CARRIE, I can help tonight!!!
I will help too girlfriend!
Dee Anna, I am so happy that you guys are back together in your own home. You must feel so relieved. I can't wait to see it, but I was wondering...are you gonna put the cowboys back on the wall??? :)
Carrie, I can't stay tonight to help with the costumes, but I can tomorrow far as I know. Andy needs my car. I'm sorry.
Ok, no prob, thanks for all the help.
DeeAnna, the house looks great! I love it.
He DEE, Jessica and I will be out-of-town the 10th-12th for her H.S. Nationals. We don't want to miss it!
IT'S GORGEOUS!!!!!!!Congradulations Martin Family The house looks beautiful all courtney and Charlee have been talking about is that there moving in soon and i'm so happy. I hope you all love your new home. it looks great
those are the red boots, and
this is Natalie, she is a mess! I cannot wait to see them compete!
good morning Brian! we were posting at the same time!....boy we need a life LOL
LOL Sad thing is I was thinking about you when I was posting! A life... a life... this is my life! he he
oh,we can charge money now
Hey Becky, I saw Tyler in a draft post, did you mean to leave it there?
yes, I couldn't decide to post it or not. It is her pic. from Nationals.
You're very considerate and thoughtful. I say post it. :)
This is Kim and Jacob, Kayla's mom and brother. Their dance is "Saddle Up your Horses" by Mrs. Connie They are too cute in their red cowboy boots!
Hey evereyone......I wuz at school today and i saw this list of people who got accepted 2 butler and I GOT ACCEPTED TO BUTLER HIGH SCHOOL!!! I am so thrilled. I cant wait to start high school now!!! Oh Danielle and Laura I will need to talk 2 both oF you about dance team and stuff. I'M GOIN' TO BUTLER.......YEAH!!! And I just got the mail and there it acceptance letter to Butler!!!
Emily that is great! You will love Butler. Danielle is loving it and doing great there. She will be home soon so I will tell her to check the website so she can respond to you. She will love having a Connie's pal on the dance team. I'm really happy and excited for you!
I'm happy for you!
Emily, Emily, Emily... we don't post phone numbers on the internet dear :O CONGRATS ON H.S. very cool, very cool.
Brian, thank you. I removed that one.
You're welcome. Emily, are you excited? I *feel* the excitement!
Is she excited? She said she sent a text message to everybody. Can't wait to see THAT bill. LOL
Emily that is so cool!!! Congrats!
15?????????? Oh my goodness. Time flies.
I hope you have a fantastic birthday. One more year and you can drive. woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey I think I see your mom in the mirror. :)
Connie and Carrie your mother will be in my thoughts and prayers. I know how hard it is to have a loved one in the hospital ill because my mother was in there for over a week this past month. Danielle and I will pray for her tonight and please let us know if there is anything we can do for you guys! We love you!
Mrs. Connie and Carrie, your mother will be in our prayers. If you need anything, please let me know. Tera and Haleigh
Does anyone know what hospital she is in? Connie & Carrie we will be praying for you both and the rest of the family. Take care of yourselves because your mom needs you to be strong right now. Let me know if there is anything we can do. We love you both very much.
Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers!!! My Grandmother is just like a Mother to me, She is a wonderful lady. She is an inspiration to all. She is at Baptist East in room 444. She is having congestive heart failure. Thank you all for your support!!! Love You Guys.
Charisse, Im not sure, I havent heard anything else.
Dee Anna
I'll be thinking of you all too and praying. If I can do anything, please ask. Brian and Jessica
Connie and Carrie, you are all in our thoughts and prayers. We love you.
I'm going over-the-top and need help... a post with a photo, looking at photos, photos that I took I think and the story references the photo. Commit me, just do it now!
Yes!! I am home living out of boxes but THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME!! GIVE ME TWO WEEKS and Ill have a dance gathering!! I would love to have all you guys over for Dinner!! Maybe a sunday night. Does everyone like Italian??? We will have an Italian FEST.
Dee Anna
Great! And are the girls feeling better now?
Yes, Court had Strep, Charlee had Sympothy STREP, Weve taken antibiodics and are back at it!!!
LOVE YA, DeeAnna
LOL, you know, when I put this up, I just knew, in the back of my head, I got it wrong... but I said, well, some one *cough* Dee Anna, would correct me on-the-spot. You're my hero! Love ya too, Brian
I love this picture this is by far the best picture ever, I totally feel her.
our car needs a wash we spelled a couple of words wrongs and wrong grammer but who cares you know. well i hope you like my decerations. i'll see you all soon
Miranda, it is all fine. I thought it was fun to see when I arrived at the studio yesterday. :)
HEY BRIE, If your reading this, Courtney and Charlee both are running fevers, they did not get to go to school today, I am taking them to the DRS at 4:30. We wont be there for classes today. I just wanted to let you know and wasnt sure how to reach you!!
Dee Anna
I hope they feel better soon!
Thanks! Im sure they will. They just have the CRUD!!! I think we are all passing it around. See you guys next week.
Hey don't make fun of me it was taller than alot of people. so i'm as tall as a trophy sorry. i'm feeling alot better BRIE so don't worry i think it was just my day at school. did you all learn anything else for annie tonight?
Wow. Hats off to all of you dancers. And I'm so glad to see you post these Charisse. Nice work!
What a way to end!!! Courtney and Tyler have been a part of a three year National Champion Team at NOE and a TWO YEAR GRAND NATIONAL TEAM!! They have been so fortunate to have had such wonderful Dancers to work with.
congrats again girls!! i was soo proud of you all did amazing!! i love the trophy too!!
Wow, I was so proud of you, you looked amazing!! Your mom had told us of your drama at danceteam, and I have to tell you how awesome I thought you were!! You were so composed and looked absolutely Beatiful out there!!! Of course I watched only you so I thought both dances were awesome
hey danilee i saw your hip hop and pom you looked amazing there were some great pics taken of you i loved them all. you all look WOW it's to hard to explain. great job!
hey everyone!! thank you soo much for all the wonderful comments!! i know that i had a really fun time dancing this weekend and i guess it showed!! although i wish we would have done better i still tried my best!! thank you all again!!
Mara, Miranda, Tyler and Courtney won! Not only did they win their catagory but they won the title of GRAND CHAMPIONS!!! Good job girls!
Brian, need your help w/computer problem...get ahold of Becky and get my cell # and give me a call .
Brian M.
Hi Brian M., I called Becky but got voice mail. She has my number.
when we found out we all started balling and we couldn't stop but we had to take a picture with everyone balling in. we are so excited to be grand champions we are all also very proud for butler we cheered for them alot even in awards
Congrats!!! Danielle, I know Butler did a fabulous job too! I love you
When are you going to post pictures???? I wanna see!
Ashley, were still keeping tabs on you too!!! Nationals for Manual are comming up, I know Kelsey will keep us informed, STAY IN TOUCH!!! WE LOVE YOU
Dee Anna
Tell MOM HI!!! WE miss and love her too.
oh my goodness you girls did soo good this weekend!! i didnt get to see you guys perfrom on saturday but i saw you guys sunday and it was amazing!! of course i just kept my attention on my connie's girls!! but congrats again!!
WAY TO GO COURTNEY, TYLER, MIRANDA AND MARA!! I saw you girls on Saturday and the performance was flawless! I missed it on Sunday but it sounds like the performance was a repeat from Saturday. You girls are so lucky to dance on such a wonderful dance team and it showed! Your mothers were a nervous wreck on Sunday night before the grand champs were announced but I really felt you guys nailed it! CONGRATS!!!
Follow-up. I know some of you might be curious about Becky's Brian's computer issue. Well, we spoke that day and Becky said to me later that fixed things. :)
Tell Andy 'hi' and glad he is home safe! All the best, Brian
Back in the USA!! YEAH!!! Im so happy he is home safe! Hope you are cooking him lots of good food!
Dee Anna
HOW IS AMANDA, do we have any news about the baby!!!!
Dee Anna
She is about the same. Still a little sick but overall good. Thanks.
that's awesome emily say hi for me i'm glad he's home safe.
Wow What Great News! Welcome home Andy!!!
Emily told me some interesting things about Andy's return. Tell us all Em!
WELCOME HOME ANDY!!! Emily and Marla I know you guys are enjoying every minute with him! I'm glad he returned safely!
That is a great story!
Been with family over the past few days and had a great time (still having a great time). So, how did the competition go? And did Andy get home? Answers are needed and wanted by all!
Mara you don't look like a chipmunk in this pic. you look really good in this pic. i like it
Love Ya Mara you did an awesome job at nationals i'm very proud of you
Alexa you look so awesome in this pic. i love it so i'll see you later. hey you look really good in the dance.BYE
I wish them the best of luck! I am so glad to hear from you Ashley. Tell your family I said 'hi'.
Hey girls, we are doing good so far we are in 1st in are catagory and we didn't get anything lower than a 9.0 on the judges sheet we got a 9.2 something overall highest score of the day so far
Brian you confuse me what do you mean by rolling wires what? i'm very confused
Brian you confuse me what do you mean by rolling wires what? i'm very confused
That makes two of us. What was I saying?
Miranda now you are confusing me and I was there to learn how to wrap cords in a special way...Brian went on and on about how to wrap the cords and you could tell that it was getting on Jessica's nerves. He told us that al of the cords in his house were wrapped that way.
Oh I get it now... thanks Morgan! And I'm so good to you! he he Okay Miranda, yes, I'll tell you more about the 'cord wrapping' later. :)
Hey thanks morgan your really smart. hey thanks brian your smart too
:) Thank you Miranda.
Somedays are just sublime. Take today, I get in my car, connect my iPod, and then the first song to come on is Jessica's last solo song Breakaway. Then it gets better. I recorded my kids voices on the computer about five or six years ago saying silly little lines. So guess what comes on next, yup, Jessica saying her "I gotta new dress"! Which on that particular day she did indeed get a new dress!
THIS IS A REMINDER TO ANYONE WHO IS IN THESE GROUPS CAR WASH practices Saturday 10-11 and MR. PERSONALITY practices Saturday 11-12,this is mandatory. It is $3.00 per dancer and it needs to be paid in cash to Miss Carrie at the beginning of class. Please make sure you are on time. Also, Nextstar comp fees are due ASAP, They are $22.00 per group dancer and $5.00 studio fee.
Hey Carrie love, I know that was you... give me some names here! he he
well i know that's Mariah, Kelsey, Tori, alli someone and then Shayla
-Miranda Mook
The Someone is Natalie Sorry i can't look back and forth on my computer i won't let me sorry to you too Natalie
Great pic!!!
Wow! What a cool picture! I wish I could do that:)
Yes, Molly specifically asked me to take this picture. She is so good.
you all are so flexable way to go girls. you all are so adorable you look like little amys.thank amy alot for helping you with this.
This should be your new TRIO Carrie!!! These three girls would make such a cute little group!!!
Dee Anna
Well Dana, you've made my day! Good job. Love the pic! UR da bomb! :)
Hey you two look so good. you haveing fun there court. i miss seeing you at dance team practice it's kind of boring after school know because i now that i had something to do and i don't anymore. So at least i'll still see you at connue's and around school
Awww! thanks courtney!! I've got a cute picture of you playing with your new toy lastnight:)
I am trying to figure out how to post them on here!!!
Everyone welcome our newest contributor Dana! Welcome Dana!
I am so excited to show them off... I was really hard on em Monday night, but, they know I love em..... My freinds from work are coming to watch. GO GIRLS!!!!! Love Miss Carrie aka (MEANIE)
this picture is kind of funny,click on it and look close,the light shinning down on Tyler looks like She is going to be "Beamed up"!
Where are you Scottie!
I never forget Morgan Em, I just forgot to type her name ;) - Thanks Emily.
"Where's Tyler?" [heard by someone moments after this photo was taken.]
Do you have a favorite poem?
Then i said, he can stop returning, nobody is forcing him to do so.
I run/walk for 20 minutes every morning because I have no time and/or am too worn out at night.
And because I'm not who I'd want to be. I've just gotta ask this because I ponder weird things while at work. And yes, I did get in trouble and had to be escorted back into the hotel by Chris because I was talking on my phone by the beach too loudly to Brad about these mysterious guys from Winnisquam who worked at the Margate and tried to sneak into the reception and get beer and claimed to know both him and Conner and hotel guestablished heard me and complained...
And I do like the phrase, I was just poking you to see what you'd do...
The challenge of coming up with a subject to write about and the practice writing causes you to start noticing things in your day that you would not usually notice.
The rest of the time in Tucson was a fantastic testament to everything vacation can and should be. A lil of everything.
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