Today Jessica and I met Mrs. Brie at dance. Morgan was there too. Always nice to see everyone. This was different. We were all there on a Friday! Well, Jessica and Brie finished her solo! Yea and, and I taught Morgan and Brie my special way to wrap cords. Okay, okay, I know you're thinking, what? Well, it really is the single best thing I can teach you. One day I hope to teach everyone!
All the best,
Brian you confuse me what do you mean by rolling wires what? i'm very confused
Brian you confuse me what do you mean by rolling wires what? i'm very confused
That makes two of us. What was I saying?
Miranda now you are confusing me and I was there to learn how to wrap cords in a special way...Brian went on and on about how to wrap the cords and you could tell that it was getting on Jessica's nerves. He told us that al of the cords in his house were wrapped that way.
Oh I get it now... thanks Morgan! And I'm so good to you! he he Okay Miranda, yes, I'll tell you more about the 'cord wrapping' later. :)
Hey thanks morgan your really smart. hey thanks brian your smart too
:) Thank you Miranda.
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