The Proud Parent Blog!
Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy 16 the birthday !!!! Sorry it is late, and it is not the photo I wanted, but the BEAUTIFUL One your mom sent me would not attach!!! WE LOVED THIS ONE and wanted to send you lots of good wishes!!! LOOK OUT WORLD!!! DANIELLE will soon be on the ROADWAYS!!!!
Your Buddies at Connies
- At Tue Feb 27, 09:49:00 AM EST, said...
Thank you so much for your posting Dee Anna. I know Danielle hasn't had a chance to see it yet. It was great seeing you guys last night! Everyone looked great! See ya in Florida girlfriend!
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
- At Sun Feb 18, 01:04:00 PM EST, Dana said...
They did so good!! They just too cute! Bailey said that was her very dance of the whole day:)
- At Sun Feb 18, 01:06:00 PM EST, Dana said...
okay.. let me try this again.. my grammar was just awful on that last comment... They did so good! They are just too cute! Bailey said that was her favorite dance of the whole day:)
Good job girls!! Hard work pays off! - At Mon Feb 19, 08:21:00 AM EST, said...
Congrats Girls!! Cant wait to see this number.
Dee Anna - At Mon Feb 19, 08:56:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
Wow! miss you Dana and Tera and the lovely Haleigh and Cassidy!
- At Mon Feb 19, 08:20:00 AM EST, said...
Congrats Bailey!!! You look like a doll baby!!!
Dee Anna
- At Mon Feb 19, 08:58:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
Ah... Tera... you have the right idea here. These shots I like the best!
- At Sun Feb 18, 01:02:00 PM EST, Dana said...
Thanks for posting the pictures Tera!! I am so thankful that you always remember your camera!! What would I do without you?? LOL!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Ah... from Jamfest Jessica and Jessica!

Oh my! Has she grown! This is my Jessica with Jessica McDonald! This was Saturday there. Jessica noticed her group was right next to us. I always thought it was amazing that both Jessica's had sisters that danced at Connie's and their names were also the same "Amanda". (click pic for larger image. Photo by Brian GInn.)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Manual Dazzlers Invite you to there 2007 Showcase

Courtney, Tyler, Ashley, and Kelsey would like to invite everyone to attend their SHOWCASE for Nationals!!! It will be held February 26,2007 at 7:30 pm in Manuals Gymnasium. It is a great opportunity for the girls to perform in front of a large crowd before attending their National Competition in ORLANDO FL. On March 02,2007!!! They will be performing a Jazz and Pom Routine!!! Rumor has it that BUTER, and Pres will also be there!! Hope to see you guys there, the girls could use your support!!! COME CHEER THEM ON!!!!
- At Thu Feb 15, 09:23:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
- At Thu Feb 15, 10:47:00 AM EST, said...
Happy late birthday Alyssa! We miss all the Connie dancers!
- At Thu Feb 15, 11:43:00 AM EST, Dana said...
Happy Birthday Alyssa!! Hope you had a great day!!!
- At Thu Feb 15, 02:59:00 PM EST, said...
guess what Brian I cant post anylonger either!! OH NO!!! I had PHOTOS
Dee Anna - At Thu Feb 15, 03:44:00 PM EST, Marla Jo said...
Happy Belated Birthday, Miss Alyssa. You are a cutie!!
- At Fri Feb 16, 11:28:00 AM EST, Tera said...
Happy Birthday Alyssa.....Love Haleigh and Tera
Amy, this is for you!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
- At Wed Feb 14, 11:18:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
i have to work now... hehe
- At Wed Feb 14, 11:18:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
although... I must admit... giving you all this beautful photos is way more fun. :)
- At Wed Feb 14, 12:43:00 PM EST, said...
Alexis Grisham is her name. Brian you must be getting old. LOL
- At Wed Feb 14, 05:16:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
hehe... yeah... it took me two years to remember your name Laura! I remember you asking me one day... you were so cute.... "do you remember my name" :)
- At Tue Feb 20, 11:02:00 AM EST, said...
thats ALEXA . srry
- At Wed Feb 14, 12:47:00 PM EST, said...
I love this picture of my other daughter Kelsey! Thanks for putting all the photos on here Brian. We have some great photos from Jamfest I need to have Danielle send to someone to put on here. We have a really pretty closeup of her and Emily.
- At Thu Feb 15, 05:59:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
you are welcome.
- At Wed Feb 14, 10:51:00 AM EST, Dee Anna said...
IM LOVING IT!!! I just stole this photo!!! Thanks Brian
- At Wed Feb 14, 10:56:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
- At Wed Feb 14, 10:59:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
Becky? Brian (Mr Merritt)? Where are you!
- At Wed Feb 14, 06:40:00 PM EST, Becky said...
hey Brian,so good to see pics again. for some reason I cannot get to the dash board to post a pic.
- At Thu Feb 15, 09:25:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
Yeah, there u r.. I know... I had trouble recently too. Thought it was permanent, the all of a sudden, I could post. :) Miss you all.
- At Wed Feb 14, 10:53:00 AM EST, Dee Anna said...
Too cute!! Congrats Mara and Miranda, we didnt make it to dance last night, CHARLEE LYN has a nasty infection, I thought the penicilian would have kicked in by now!!! Any way she said you guys looked great last weekend. AND I LOVE YOUR GLASSES MIRANDA you look to cute!
Jessica and I this morning!

- At Wed Feb 14, 10:01:00 AM EST, Dee Anna said...
How neat, what is she doing???
- At Wed Feb 14, 10:13:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
I just met the director there and he says she will be shown around by Christy and then go to the Centre for the Arts with Cristy for rehersals this afternoon. I pick her up at 5:05pm. She was really happy. And we have the same Louisville Ballet poster at home that I saw when I dropped her off this morning. :) What fun.
- At Wed Feb 14, 10:16:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
It's the one with the ballarina shoe on the egg. hehe
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
- At Tue Feb 13, 04:01:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
And all you see is Valentine Red!!! hehe
- At Tue Feb 13, 04:27:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
You know.... I saw Charisse several times over the weekend. Had wonderful thought as I saw each and every person I know. Thank you Mrs. Connie for giving me these memories.
- At Tue Feb 13, 04:41:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
enjoy this time my friends... enjoy this time. :) We have old friends and new. Today was a good day to bond. Every word you say is good for someone reading here. It is not often you get this feeling. Share your love on this Valentines Day (It's Valentines Day in China already). Everyones loves you here. :)
The Birthday Girl at Jamfest!

- At Tue Feb 13, 02:31:00 PM EST, said...
Brian I knew you would come through with some pictures. I'm sorry we didn't get to visit more. Tell Jessica I said they did really good on their jazz routine. I did not see their pom. It was great seeing you and keep in touch.
- At Tue Feb 13, 02:45:00 PM EST, Dee Anna said...
I am loving this, it seems like old times!!! Thanks Brian
- At Tue Feb 13, 03:03:00 PM EST, Marla Jo said...
I have some pics, too. As soon as I can get them on a computer, I'll post some. - At Tue Feb 13, 04:17:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
Yeah... I am loving this too. (nod)
- At Tue Feb 13, 10:27:00 AM EST, Dee Anna said...
Happy Birthday girls!!! WE MISS YOU BOTH!!!
- At Tue Feb 13, 12:33:00 PM EST, Marla Jo said...
Awww, thanks. I will have to tell Em that you posted for her. Our internet at home is down.
It was great to see all of you in Cincy this weekend.
We miss you-guys, too. :(
Butler won two 1st place awards, one 3rd place award, a choreography award, and a Dance Champion award. Now on to Florida, where we will hopefully see a lot of you there. :)
Congrats to Noe Middle on their 1st place award. :) - At Tue Feb 13, 12:55:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
- At Tue Feb 13, 02:34:00 PM EST, said...
Happy Birthday again Marla & Emily! We will have to do some more celebrating in Florida!!!
- At Tue Feb 13, 10:42:00 PM EST, Dana said...
Happy Birthday "Subway Girl"!!
love, dana and bailey - At Wed Feb 14, 10:18:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
Hey Dana! miss u two! Love, Brian
- At Tue Feb 13, 09:28:00 AM EST, Dee Anna said...
LOVE THE PHOTO!!! Too cute. Congrats to all of the girls for a job well done!!
- At Tue Feb 13, 10:15:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
Hey Dee... you really miss all the photos don't you? I do too. It was so good to see Charle-lyn this weekend. Jessica saw so many people Friday night, she thought she'd even seen you! hehe So I kept looking for you. Amy's Steve said of this photo as I took it "Connie's Girls". We smiled.
- At Tue Feb 13, 10:22:00 AM EST, Dee Anna said...
Yes, I really miss them!!! I miss all of you guys!! No Court and I wernt there, just Charlee!!! She got to be a part of the Brand family for the weekend and loved every minute of it!!! I was at home running the other 3 around town!!! Charlee has state the next two weekends in INDY!!! and then me and Beck are off for one of our infamous DANCE TRIPS to Orlando!!! I hope to see many of you there!! I know Danielle and Laura, and Emily and Marla, and I think YOU AND JESS will be there!! It will be like old times!!!
- At Tue Feb 13, 10:24:00 AM EST, Dee Anna said...
OOPS!!! Amy, I wish you and Mara were comming, with Ms. Carrie Berry, then I would feel complete!!!
Yeah.... Amy told me or did Charlee about staying with the Brand Fam for the weekend. And yes... We'll see you all in Orlando too. :) Carrie... haha fun girl.... I am smiling big.
- At Tue Feb 13, 01:09:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
Amy... Amy.... AMY!
- At Tue Feb 13, 03:06:00 PM EST, Marla Jo said...
I never got to see Mara or Miranda, but did see some really cute pics of them from their dances.
Alyssa surprised me. I said "hi" to her and she smiled and waved. I almost fell over. LOL She is so cute.
Charlee Lyn, I'm so glad you were there. You are such a sweetie.
YPAS Acting camp summer of 2007

The dates for the YPAS Acting camp is July 9th -20th from 10:00-4:30pm monday through friday, The camp welcomes kids from the ages of 10-17, this is a 65 hour workshop. The staff will be working with the kiddos on there Broadcasting skills, stage combat, Circus skills and movement, improvisation, theatre, voice, and stage makeup!! It is really a great program! They also bring in someone to take PROFESSIONAL HEAD SHOTS, they only charge you 25.00 and they give you a CD rom of your headshots, anyone who wants to tryout for any type of play needs one and they can cost HUNDREDS of dollars to do, I have an example head shot from a few years back, THE WORKSHOP is $247.00 , A hundred dollar deposit is due in May and the rest of the money is due the week of the camp!!! HOPE YOU GUYS CAN JOIN ME!!!!
- At Tue Feb 13, 01:16:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
Courtney... you are too pretty.
- At Tue Feb 13, 01:16:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
Valentines Day is your day... all red
- At Tue Feb 13, 02:30:00 PM EST, said...
Courtney you look too beautiful girlfriend! We miss seeing you but I hope we get to touch base in Orlando. I'm so glad you and Danielle will not be competing against each other. It just makes it so hard to cheer for the other team.
Friday, February 09, 2007
YPAS has Acting Camp for Summer!!!! 20th Season
Hey guys!!! It's me Courtney!!! Long time no see!!! I just wanted to pass along a little information!!! GREAT information!!! I will be posting a notice with sign up sheets at Connies next week for the YPAS Acting camp, it is held in July and is great FUN!!! I will be an assistant instructor this year!!! I am so looking forward to another great year!! Take a look at the schedule and I hope you guys will enroll!!! Anyone who is considering attending Manual should consider attending. It is a great way to meet instructors and other kids who plan on attending YPAS in the future! My first year that I attended this camp was the summer of my 6th grade year!!! If anyone has any questions give me a call, I would love to talk to you about it!!!
- At Sun Feb 11, 08:44:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
Hey Courtney! Loved seeing you here. Jessica and I just got back from Jamfest where we saw many Connies families... but the bing news is Jessica just walked up to me and showed me the program from this Jamfest and YOUR PHOTO is in it! Love, Brian
- At Sun Feb 11, 08:50:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
Well... sadly... I have many photos from Jamfest I'd like to post here but apparently google has changed blogger so I am only able to post comments. Hum.... Love and miss you all. I saw Laura and her daughter Danielle, Marla and Emily who both have a BIRTHDAY MONDAY!!!!!! and I saw the Entire BRAND FAM with Charlee-Lyn of the Martin Clan. I saw Miranda OH AND ws saw Jessica McDonald!!!! It was really really wonderful! Love you all.
Hey and I thought about you Carrie! Miss you and love you. Tell your mom I said Hello!
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Days like today

My point of all this is this.. I miss and love each of you. I want you to know that. I also want you younger families to enjoy this time with your kids. Do the fun things with them. Enjoy the snow.
Love, Brian
Happy Birthday Danielle!!
Love, Sheri and Morgan
happy b-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
micha & lisa
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