The Proud Parent Blog!
Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
- At Sat Dec 30, 11:16:00 AM EST, Becky said...
I have a request Please...If anyone has pictures of the Nutcracker, could you pleeease post them. I love being back stage and helping but the down side to that is I never get to see what is going on LOL I would love pictures! especially ones with my girls...if anyone has some...Mother Ginger, the Snow Dance
- At Mon Jan 01, 08:51:00 AM EST, said...
Thank You Becky, I would love one of Casey with the clowns!! I will check with Connie
- At Tue Jan 02, 09:43:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
Happy New Year 2007!
Monday, December 25, 2006
- At Wed Dec 27, 11:06:00 AM EST, said...
What an absolutely beatiful family!!! Amanda you are just glowing!!! Motherhood suits you well!!! Merry Christmas, may all your dreams come true!!!
Dee Anna - At Thu Dec 28, 11:42:00 AM EST, said...
Thank you Dee, for your sweet words!! I feel like I was ment to be a mommy!!
I hope you and your family had a good Christmas!! We did!!
I hope to see you sometime soon!!!
Amanda - At Sat Dec 30, 11:11:00 AM EST, Becky said...
Wow What a doll baby! She is gorgeous Amanda!!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
- At Fri Dec 22, 05:57:00 AM EST, said...
Party On Dee!!!
- At Sun Dec 24, 01:40:00 PM EST, said...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the Martin Family and all other Connie's families!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
- At Tue Dec 19, 09:23:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
And a Merry Christmas to you!
- At Tue Dec 19, 09:36:00 AM EST, said...
Merry Christmas to you and your family Becky! I miss seeing you guys and thank god for e-mail or I would be having some serious withdrawals! May all you and your family's (especially Tyler and Casey) wishes come true!!
Happy New Year!! - At Wed Dec 20, 12:23:00 PM EST, Marla Jo said...
Emily, Doug and I wish everyone (past and present) at Connie's a very Merry Christmas. May it be all you hope for.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
- At Thu Dec 14, 05:54:00 AM EST, said...
I am not sure I am spelling it Right but this is Makayla League.
Monday, December 11, 2006
- At Mon Dec 11, 10:40:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
We were shopping yesterday Jessica and I and she said "I just love having her. Now i have a baby to shop for and buy things!" as we were in the childrens clothing section.
- At Tue Dec 12, 07:58:00 AM EST, said...
Oh she is adorable! She looks so happy! I hope all is going well with motherhood for you Amanda.
Happy Holidays to you Brian and all your family! I'm sorry we weren't there on Saturday to see you guys. We miss everyone too! - At Tue Dec 12, 08:45:00 AM EST, said...
She melts my heart!!! I really want to see her!! We still need to get together, I am with Laura PIZZA would be a great ideal!!! Sunday afternoon REPLYS!!! If you guys think it would be possible let me know!!!
Dee - At Tue Dec 12, 08:55:00 AM EST, Dana said...
She is sooooo cute!!!!! I can't believe she is already 3 1/2 months old!! She sure is a cutie pie... Christmas will be a lot of fun for you all this year!!!
- At Tue Dec 12, 10:10:00 AM EST, said...
Hi everyone!!!
Isnt she beautiful!!!Shes my little angel.She is always happy and smiling and she loves to coo. which makes me feel like I am doing a good job as her mom. I love being a mom, its so much fun!!Shawn and I took her to get her ears pierced with Aunt Jessica and peepaw on saterday and she is doing really good with them, it doesnt bother her at all. I would really love for everyone to meet her! She is even sweeter in person!
Merry Christmas!
The Happiest Day of the Year!

- At Mon Dec 11, 03:52:00 PM EST, said...
Way to go all Connies and former Connies Dancers, You guys all look so beautiful and I am sure you all danced awsome! Growing up way way too fast. We are proud of you guys! Way to go!
Miss Carrie
& Miss Connie - At Mon Dec 11, 07:56:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
Hey Miss Carrie, I was thinking about you today and there you are! Miss you and love you too. Tell your mom I said 'hi'.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
A beautiful time was had by all!

- At Sat Dec 09, 05:51:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
Technically it is Dance Expo 2006 at Eastern High School (I looked at the program just now.) ;)
- At Sat Dec 09, 05:54:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
It was way too good to see everyone! Amy, her Steve, Dee Anna and Glenn, Kelsey's mom and dad (I can never remember their names), Linda and Bob, Beckey (hey, where was Brian?) and who else did I see? It was the best indeed. I love you guys.
- At Sat Dec 09, 05:57:00 PM EST, Brian G said...
Brie mentioned she'd love for us all the girls to get together before Christmas. Okay, Brie, I let the cat out of the bag! You're hooked now. Yup, invites like this makes me wish I was a girl (did I just write that?) he he ;)
Oh and Laura, I miss you. - At Sat Dec 09, 10:08:00 PM EST, said...
I was working ....some onehasto pay for all
Brian M. - At Sun Dec 10, 09:17:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
You are the man.
Friday, December 08, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Dance Team Competition

Dance Expo !!!! At Eastern High School!!!
Highland Hills Middle School
Noe Middle School
Johson Middle School
Floyd Central
A WHOLE LOT OF CONNIE DANCERS Performing for there schools!!!!!
Eastern High School Doors open at 8:30 Middle SChool Divisions begin at 9:00 with awards at 12:30 High School Levels Begin at 1:00 with awards at 4:30!!!! It should be a great event with lots to see!!!
- At Fri Dec 08, 06:11:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
I will be competing in a apecial event. he he ;)
- At Sat Dec 09, 09:09:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
We will be great togther! :D
- At Sat Dec 09, 09:10:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
i look forward to seeing everyone. hey, i may see Kelsey (just thought of you). !!!!!!!
We all might see each other this weekend!!!!
Marla, DeeAnna, Laura? anyone else who might be at the competition this Saturday? I would love to see all of you!
- At Thu Dec 07, 02:07:00 PM EST, Dana said...
where and when?
- At Thu Dec 07, 04:47:00 PM EST, said...
Hey Brian how are you? Butler's dance team will not be there. They are not doing too many dance competitions this year. I guess they are saving their best for nationals in March. Who knows! I would love to have dinner with everyone. Maybe we could do something during the Christmas break. I bet all the girls would love to get together. Maybe pizza or something somewhere. Just let me know the time & place.
Goodluck to all the dancers at the competition this weekend. - At Fri Dec 08, 06:11:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
Happy Holidays to you too Laura - I miss you.
- At Fri Dec 08, 06:12:00 AM EST, Brian G said...
Hey Em, we wanted to see you. We will miss you.
Thank You!
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