The Proud Parent Blog!
Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
- At Tue Sep 26, 09:56:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Ms. Carrie I hope you get better soon! Lova ya. Brian
- At Tue Sep 26, 11:46:00 AM EDT, said...
Hey Brian, I am BUMBED!!!! Friday nights are the WORST!!! We have a game at Manual that we have to be at at 6:15 and then after half time I have to motor over to HOLY CROSS to see Chase Play!!!! I know Becky, and Linda, and Laura, and Marla, and Sharon cant go either because of the ballgames!!!
- At Tue Sep 26, 11:51:00 AM EDT, said...
OH MARLA, My sister Kim Kramer assists in Surgery at Norton, What is your dads name? Im sure she will probably have his case, she does a lot of that, Ill have her look out for you guys and keep you updated
- At Tue Sep 26, 01:52:00 PM EDT, said...
Hey Carrie I hope you feel better. I take it you need to have your gallbladder removed. I hope everything goes well and we will be thinking about you. We miss you and I hope all is well with you and Jordan. Tell Mrs. Connie hello for us too.
- At Wed Sep 27, 06:00:00 AM EDT, said...
Hope you Feel better soon Ms.Carrie! We love you!
- At Wed Sep 27, 11:04:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Carrie, hope you feel better soon. I know you will, 'cause I had my gallbladder out and boy I was happy not to have that pain anymore. Did they do laser?
My dad came through his surgery fine. He does have a huge scar though, shaped like a "z." I am now calling him "Zorro." He got out of bed this morning and sat in a chair and ate breakfast. - At Wed Sep 27, 03:11:00 PM EDT, said...
Thanks guys, You all are the best........I am nervous a little just cause i have never had surgery before. But I know I will feel much much better afterward. Love you guys bunches
~Care Bear
(Carrie) - At Wed Sep 27, 08:09:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
Just think I will feel better when it is all over.....We will be thinking about you. Haleigh and Tera
- At Thu Sep 28, 05:23:00 PM EDT, said...
I hate to hear that you will have to go through this ... I had the same surgery 4 weeks after I had Tori. I'll keep you in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself and we will see you soon. Donnell Ross
- At Mon Oct 02, 08:50:00 AM EDT, said...
Hey Guys, Jordan and I say Emily Reynolds at McDonalds downtown on Saturday, Jordan was getting ready to go to Basketball practice, She looks great and is loving high school. She wanted to know how things were going at the studio and I told her things were great!!! It was great to see her. I miss seeing the older girls, they are all dancing their little hearts out for high school. I am very proud of all of them! Carrie
- At Tue Oct 03, 12:52:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Emily called me right away and said she saw you guys. She was so excited.
Have you had your surgery yet? - At Tue Oct 03, 04:36:00 PM EDT, said...
No, my surgery is scheduled for Oct 25th at Baptist East outpatient. Carrie
- At Tue Oct 03, 11:29:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
We will definitely be thinking of you. If you need anything, let us know.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Dazzling NEWS!!!!!
Jamfest went on as scheduled RAIN or SHINE as they said!!!! Charlee competited as a HIGHLAND HILL DAZZLER for the first time ever!!! It was so cool to see, Courtney and I couldnt believe how AWESOME THEY WERE!!!! And Charlee-lyn who acted like she was so far behind the group was FRONT and Center at the POINT!!! She looked great!!! WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU WHOOHOO!!!! YOU ROCKED!!! Her team scored a 9.031 and won first place in the Middle School division. Throughout the day, middle, junior and high schools performed, They give a Grand Champion for the entire session and FLOYD CENTRAL won with a 9.45, the next highest score for the day was HIGHLAND HILLS MIDDLE with a 9.031 WHAT an accomplishment, this is only the 2nd year for a highland hill dance team!!! WAY TO GO GIRLS!!!!
While I am giving Charlee KUDOS!!! She was picked as the STUDENT of THE Semister for her Middle School and her name was in the paper this weekend!!!! See Charlee, I told you your time would come!!!!
MOM and Court
PS. It was great to see Em and Marla this weekend!!! Were still missing all of you guys!!!
- At Mon Sep 25, 11:49:00 AM EDT, Dee Anna said...
AND I FORGOT!!!! Danielle was missing in action!!! She was very sick, I hope she is feeling much better!!! Keep us posted Laura
- At Mon Sep 25, 12:20:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Great news! Hope you feel better Danielle!
Dinner is at Los Aztecas (502) 561-8535 - 530 W Main St. - At Mon Sep 25, 01:33:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Aw, shoot. Wish we could go, but Em has homecoming and will be getting ready for the dance. Plus, my mom will be with us (from Glasgow). My dad is having surgery at Norton's tomorrow. They are removing a kidney.
- At Mon Sep 25, 02:20:00 PM EDT, said...
CONGRATS CHARLEE-LYNN!!! It sounds like your dance team was a "big hit"! That is great! We knew it was just a matter of time before everyone else knew our little secret about how good you are. I know your mom and sister are so happy for you.
Thanks for asking about Danielle. God love her, she started throwing up at 9:00 p.m. on Thursday night and threw up until 11:30 a.m. on Friday. I can't believe she did not get dehydrated. They called her in some phenagren and I keep making her drink gaterade. She didn't go out of the house Friday or Saturday and only went out for a couple of hours yesterday. She went back to school today but still a little weak.
I can't do dinner Friday night either because of homecoming. Danielle is getting her hair done and then of course we will have to play taxi to dinner and then to the dance.
Keep in touch! - At Wed Sep 27, 08:58:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
S.E., it looks like it might be just us for dinner if Carrie doesn't get better in time, and the games get rained out for Becky's and Marla's crew. And Laura's somehwere (can't recall) Dee?
I have an idea... we can still go Friday (Maybe Rich Aunt Nikki will come - everyone's welcome) but Jessica's dance team is having a pancake breakfast fundraiser somewhere Saturday morning. It's only $5 a person.
Gosh I look good...

P.S. The field pass I got was to get me on the field to record the dance and Jessica's boyfriend, Josh, yes, the same Josh, goes to Trinity. The field pass shows St. X but below it says 'vs. Trinity'. he he
P.S. P.S. Amy called me back yesterday after I pocket dialed her and says we're going to get together Friday night. So lets all have a party! Miss all of you.
- At Mon Sep 25, 11:50:00 AM EDT, Dee Anna said...
Yes Brian YOU LOOK GOOD!!!! I am still missing your smiling faces!!! Tell Amanda that I must have written her telephone number down wrong, I would love to hear from her!!!!! Talk to you soon
- At Wed Sep 27, 05:59:00 AM EDT, said...
there's Waldo!
Everyone has been Searching for you Brian! Your kinda like Elvis, we will start having Brian Sightings. - At Sun Oct 01, 08:50:00 PM EDT, said...
Hi Dee!!
I am sorry that I havent been posting. I have been very busy being a new mom,and loving every bit of it!!! I would love for you to meet Carolynn in person. I am also heart broken to hear that most of the seniors are gone. I would love for them to meet Carolynn.
My number is 448-0915, give me a call so we can make plans!!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Just a note to let you guys know that Jamfest is this Saturday at Louisville Slugger Field, RAIN or SHINE, admission is free!!!!
Highland Hills Dazzlers are competing at 8:21am, and I know that Butler Sugarbears will be competing around 8:00 or 9:00
Hope to see you guys there, this is always fun to see the danceteams compete!!!!
- At Sun Sep 24, 10:03:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
How did the girls to yesterday? I am sure it they were great....Tera
- At Sun Sep 24, 08:33:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
Chad was there, but I stayed home. You couldn't pay me to fight that mess.....Congratulations to Charlee!! We are so very proud.....
- At Mon Sep 25, 08:30:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Wonderful Charlee!
- At Mon Sep 25, 09:23:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Charlee, you-guys looked awesome Saturday. Congrats on the honors. It was really nice to see you and your family again. Kinda strange not seeing everyone every week.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Would anyone be interested in sending your daughter to a little dance clinic at Presentation Academy on October 7th (Saturday) from 10-3?
Cost is $35, and includes lunch, camp tshirt, and a cd.
It is open to girls in kindergarten thru 8th grade. I am going to send Bailey and I know she would love to have some familiar faces in there with her!!!! Let me know if you're interested and I'll get you a copy of the registration form!!!! p.s. Hey Jessica, will you be there???
- At Fri Sep 15, 06:22:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
Hey Dana:
We are can send it to me by email or at dance Thursday. - At Fri Sep 15, 08:28:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
Great! I will email it to you here in a few. I think the girls will have a good time!
- At Mon Sep 18, 11:25:00 AM EDT, said...
Hello everyone, The dance clinic was a huge hit last year. I don't know who enjoyed it more the dance team teaching or the little dancers. Also we Mom's work and are there for supervision and we had a great time also. I know Jessica is excited to see Bailey and hopefully more will be able to join us that she knows. Miss you guys. All the Best, Cheryl Ann
- At Sat Sep 23, 08:52:00 PM EDT, said...
How nice of you to post this notice Dana. Jessica goes to Pres! She will be there as a teacher! Love and miss you all, Brian (got the hint Dee Anna) :)
- At Sat Sep 23, 08:53:00 PM EDT, said...
Oh yes, Amanda's birthday was today. Saw her and her new baby and Shawn. They look great. Love, Brian
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Brian Ginn WHERE ARE YOU????? Yes we dance moms are missing our favorite man!!! Hope you are doing well, Jess??? How is she doing? Your beautiful new granddaughter, and the new mommy? HOW ARE YOU GUYS??? ANY NEW PHOTOS? This Blog is missing you MUCH!!!!!
- At Mon Sep 25, 08:11:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
thank you Dee Anna. Saw Amanda, Shawn and the new baby on Amanda's birthday Saturday. They are well. Lots of new photos. I moved a few weeks ago so I am a little off. Well, I am always off. Love you all, Brian
Monday, September 11, 2006
- At Fri Sep 15, 07:14:00 PM EDT, said...
So cute tyler and girl that is an adorable pic! Tyler it has been nice seeing you after school!
- At Tue Sep 12, 05:25:00 AM EDT, Becky said...
Wow, does this kid know how to work that red carpet!
Today is a very important day!!!! September 11th is JORDAN BERRY'S BIRTHDAY!!!! HAPPY 8th Birthday Jordan!!! We love you and hope you have a wonderful Day!!!!
The Martin Family
Dee Anna, Courtney and Charlee-lyn
- At Mon Sep 11, 12:16:00 PM EDT, Dee Anna said...
Carrie, I can not believe your baby is so OLD!!!!
- At Mon Sep 11, 12:28:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Emily mentioned Jordan's birthday this morning.
Happy Birthday, Jordan!!!!!!!!! - At Mon Sep 11, 01:46:00 PM EDT, said...
Thanks guys!!! Jordan has had a wonderful b day week so far. I can't believe my little baby boy is growing up so fast. It flies by! HE IS 8?? Do I look old enough to have an 8 year old, don't answer that....only kidding thanks guys! I can't wait to show him the post. You guys are the best. Love MC
- At Mon Sep 11, 01:52:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
Happy Birthday Jordan!! Love Tera and Haleigh!
- At Mon Sep 11, 02:29:00 PM EDT, said...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAY JORDAN!!! They grow up way too fast Carrie so enjoy every moment. I can't believe he is 8 years old. No, you should not have a child that age. It just doesn't seem so. What did Jordan think about Michael Bush getting hurt? Tell him to eat all his fruit and vegetables so we can watch him at U of L in about ten years! LOL
- At Tue Sep 12, 05:24:00 AM EDT, Becky said...
Happy Birthday Jordan! We love you
the Merritts - At Tue Sep 12, 06:31:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Happy Birthday Jordan - Let's play ball!
- At Tue Sep 12, 05:23:00 AM EDT, Becky said...
This is a great picture! You girls look wonderful. So do miss seeing all of them together.
- At Tue Sep 12, 08:11:00 AM EDT, said...
I miss seeing everyone together too! I hope all is well for the current and former Connie's dancers. I wish everyone a wonderful dance year!
- At Tue Sep 12, 06:32:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Wow - you all look so much older! You look great! Good to see you again (if only in pics)
- At Tue Sep 26, 08:49:00 PM EDT, said...
it's been to long sice i've seen all of you!...i miss you all so much. hope everyone is having a great dance year!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Yard Sale!!

Don't forget, the yard sale is Saturday. If you want a space give Mrs. Connie $5.00 for the Add in the CJ. This maybe a great time to sell Dance shoes, leotards, and since Halloween is just around the corner, old costumes!!
- At Wed Sep 06, 08:28:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Do we know who "Anonymous" is here?
- At Wed Sep 06, 08:42:00 AM EDT, said...
Life was good the first night back!!! I was so glad to see all of your smiling faces. I love all the new stuff. I am super excited! Love You Guys, Miss Carrie.
- At Wed Sep 06, 12:02:00 PM EDT, said...
Just so everyone knows!!!This blog is open, that means sometimes people outside the grouping add messages. THE SECREST SHOPPING IS A SCAM!! This is not posted by any of our WONDERFUL FAMILY!!!!
Monday, September 04, 2006
- At Mon Sep 04, 07:28:00 PM EDT, said...
I love this picture it's so pretty of the both of themn!!! I'm really excited fro our nutcracker this year!!! I can't wait to see what we are doing!!!!
Miranda-Jean - At Sat Aug 25, 01:50:00 PM EDT, said...
I'm you Tori :)
- At Tue Sep 12, 07:34:00 PM EDT, said...
What a great shot of Tori and Emily. I can't believe that this was just a year ago. Can't wait to see this year's production.
- At Tue Sep 12, 07:41:00 PM EDT, said...
This is a wonderful shot of Tori and Emily. I can't believe it has been almost a year and we are beginning another production. I can not wait to see this year's "Nutcracker". Donnell
Hey that would be great!!! I want to get to see everyone!!!
Hey S.E. and everyone, I agree. Jessica's dance team is having a fundraiser at APPLEBEE's Saturday morning 8-10am $5/person 2225 Taylorsville RD.
Hey Brian. It's good to see/hear from you. We miss you at the blog...I have posted some pics, but not nearly as many as you did. Haleigh is going to Pres dance camp, so we will see Jessica then. Talk to you later.
Hi Tera. Good to hear from you too. :)
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