The Proud Parent Blog!
Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
Friday, June 30, 2006
- At Fri Jun 30, 07:04:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
This is Kaylynn Thompson (red boot group). This is such a cute picture. I'll have to make sure her mom sees this:)
- At Fri Jun 30, 08:26:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
You could email it using the icon of the envelope (located next or to the right of the time-stamp of the post.)
- At Fri Jun 30, 08:26:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Oh and thank you Mrs. Dana. Yes, let the moms know. I'd love to see more of the younger dancers' families here.
- At Fri Jun 30, 01:08:00 PM EDT, said...
Thank you S.E.
- At Fri Jun 30, 08:22:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I did not know that about the group. Very interesting and rare too I'd think.
- At Fri Jun 30, 10:01:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
You're right
- At Fri Jun 30, 09:19:00 AM EDT, said...
Brian, THANK YOU!! I am loving seeing all of these photos!!! Missed you once agian last night!! Wait till you see the phantom costumes, Amy really glitz them up the mask are awesome!!! Really will make a cool effect!!!! KEEP the photos comming, Im living for them these days!
Dee - At Fri Jun 30, 09:21:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
You're welcome.
- At Fri Jun 30, 03:05:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
I'd like to see one of Emily bald. The ONLY ONE she stood still enough for me to take is a little fuzzy. ERG
- At Fri Jun 30, 03:20:00 PM EDT, said...
I'm jealous you are doing all this "glitzing" for Phantom and we all don't get to go. I want to see pictures of the costumes afterwards. Amy it sounds like you are the "go to gal" for glaming up costumes! You go girl, I wish I had that talent!!!
- At Fri Jun 30, 08:24:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I'll have to look Mrs. Marla.
- At Sat Jul 01, 07:55:00 AM EDT, said...
I wish you guys were going also Laura, it seems like a lonley trip with out everyone.
- At Fri Jun 30, 06:07:00 AM EDT, said...
I know Madison,and Bella but that is all
- At Fri Jun 30, 09:01:00 AM EDT, said...
I am going to Florida tommorow with my Dad and Jordan, I will miss you guys so much! I hope that all of you will practice very, very hard for Miss Connie and be ready to compete on a NATIONAL LEVEL! I love you guys and am very very proud of everyone of you. But work hard I expect you all to be on the top! I will see you there....Thanks to all the moms who are rhinestoneing for me. just call me the rhinestone dance teacher. Practice hard. I love ya! Miss Carrie (Brian G, I am expecting lots of pics from Nationals. Your the best baby!) love you guys. (oh and lots of pics of the
- At Fri Jun 30, 09:05:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Have a great and safe trip!
- At Fri Jun 30, 05:45:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Just in case you wanted a desktop wallpaper version.
- At Fri Jun 30, 09:20:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Me too.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
- At Thu Jun 29, 09:24:00 AM EDT, Dana said...
WOW! This is awesome!
- At Thu Jun 29, 09:25:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
I'll be taking a bit of a break now.
- At Thu Jun 29, 04:07:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
I think she drank some Vault that morning. hahahahaha
- At Fri Jun 30, 05:41:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Ah those were funny!
- At Fri Jun 30, 08:29:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Emily. EMILY. I've been looking for you here!? Glad to see you again.
- At Fri Jun 30, 05:43:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
I love this picture!
- At Fri Jun 30, 06:06:00 AM EDT, said...
Ahhh, she looks so graceful...who is it? LOL Thank you Brian!! I love you Tyler...
- At Fri Jun 30, 08:23:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I love this photo! Tyler, this is so good to have!
- At Fri Jun 30, 08:57:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I can just see the storm behind-the-scene that you must see Amy. And your comment fits so well when I think of that. It all looks so smooth and well run during the performance. So hats off to you and all the others!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
- At Wed Jun 28, 11:11:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
You're right!
- At Wed Jun 28, 11:15:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
ok.. i know my pictures aren't near as good as brian's, but i'm gettin' into this posting thing:)-
Anyway, i thought the finale was cool! - At Wed Jun 28, 11:37:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
It is better because I didn't get a shot of the whole stage. Great job.
- At Thu Jun 29, 06:06:00 AM EDT, Becky said...
This is a great Picture Tera!
- At Thu Jun 29, 04:06:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Amy, just in case you are wondering, those are dust particles. hehehe
- At Thu Jun 29, 09:53:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
and i thought it was a full moon over our finale..LOL
I think of you every time.

All the best,
- At Wed Jun 28, 11:43:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I added the photo for you Steve. Not the one you wanted but better. - Brian
- At Wed Jun 28, 11:48:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I'm humming that tune right now Tiny Dancer... :)
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:05:00 PM EDT, said...
Look at Cheri's face...She was saying "we have to put this all the way over there" LOL
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:13:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
You all did great. I realize that Mrs. Cheri and Mr. Mike were there to help even when Rachel was gone. How nice. I got water from Mike and a pic of Cheri. :)
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:13:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
We haven't heard from Rachel? Do they not have electricity where she is?
- At Thu Jun 29, 05:54:00 AM EDT, said...
I think Cheri told me Sunday that Rachel will be back on July 9th. I can't swear to that, there was a lot going on Sunday, and some of it is only a blur to me now....
- At Wed Jun 28, 03:27:00 PM EDT, said...
JUST A THOUGHT, COULD YOU MAKE A COLLAGE, A bunch of really neat photos from recietal made into a POSTER with the Connies School of Performing Arts written on it!!! This would be a cool fund raiser and some extra money for you. WE could hang one in the lobby and take orders. YOU could make the price where it would be worth your while with $1.00 from each poster sold going to Connies to help lay a new floor!!!!! I think it would go over big!!! The kids would love them.
Dee - At Wed Jun 28, 04:26:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I'd love to see that happen. I'd need some help however.
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:03:00 PM EDT, said...
I'll help. Just tell me what to do
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:10:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Step 0 - Take pics
Step 1 - pick pics
#2 - pic poster size
3 - pic printer
4 - get quote (how many?)
5 - sell posters
I took care of step zero! he he - At Thu Jun 29, 05:52:00 AM EDT, said...
Is there a program that we can cut and past the pictures with for this. I think I have one.....This weekend I promise to be a better blogger...
- At Thu Jun 29, 06:58:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Well that might work Amy. Usually, I do the collage all myself, then send it to a printer, a local printer. I haven't done this in years.
- At Thu Jun 29, 07:21:00 AM EDT, said...
You'll get the floor and I'll put it down !
OLD GREY . - At Thu Jun 29, 07:50:00 AM EDT, Ken & Charisse said...
You know that is in writing Old Gray for everyone to see and remember. It's good to hear from new posters. ( is that the right word for people who post?)
- At Thu Jun 29, 07:56:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
I'd love to help 'Old Gray' too. And yes, Charisse, that is the correct word. Gosh, you've entered the world of bloggers!
- At Wed Jun 28, 11:18:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
I think this is Emily and Abby. I am not 100% sure.
- At Wed Jun 28, 11:26:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Ms. Tera.
- At Wed Jun 28, 07:21:00 PM EDT, said...
I got skills
- At Wed Jun 28, 07:22:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I love this pic!
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:07:00 PM EDT, said...
you got good skills Brian,you got my momma in this pic!
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:21:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Wow, is she next to the flowers? I am so happy for you.
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:23:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
'Napoleon Dynamite!'? Is that the guy from the comp some time ago?
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:30:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
You are right! And I knew that was Mariah all along - don't know why I put her sis's name. I was just waiting to write and spell her name correctly! Wait her sister's name is Miranda, boy oh boy. I should just shut-up! You know I was telling somebody the other day how a year ago I barely knew Laura's name much less, well you get the idea. And now I know about over half and maybe more! So M-a-r-i-a-h, here's to YOU!
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:30:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
... all because of the blog and pictures.
- At Sat Jul 01, 12:42:00 PM EDT, said...
no it's mariah, natily,tori and savanna
- At Tue Jul 04, 05:42:00 PM EDT, said...
i was about to say my name isn't up there brian!!! Hey Mariah made the Comment above! Well see you later and yes that is how you spell mariah M-A-R-I-A-H!!!
~Miranda-Jean~ - At Tue Jul 04, 08:03:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
hum... I really, really, really good with picture. Not so much with names, eh? :O he he But ya know I love you all!
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:59:00 AM EDT, said...
THANK YOU!!! My girls have only danced together one other time, they were 3 and 5 years old!!! I love this routine, THANK YOU CARRIE BERRY!!! AND THANK YOU BRIAN, I am printing the photo as I type!!!! THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE, They hug at the end, I told Carrie I might never see that happen agian!!!
- At Wed Jun 28, 11:02:00 AM EDT, said...
Carrie, pull this one upclose, look at the look on CHARLEE-lyns face, the intensity of her eyes!!! I LOVE IT
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:10:00 PM EDT, said...
Look how beautiful they are!!! Awwww. I remember when....Anaconda's was a worry and Dance was not fair LOL
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:44:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I really like this pic.
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:23:00 AM EDT, said...
Do you have any of the other duet, IM NOT ASKING MUCH AM I!!!!!
THE PEST - At Wed Jun 28, 10:43:00 AM EDT, said...
Maybe some more stones on the top, and some in the hair on the part.... more on the brown.
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:46:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
We should open a rhinestone mine. ;)
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:01:00 AM EDT, Dana said...
That's Bailey there in the front, and that's Lindsey Espinosa behind her. I can't tell who is behind Lindsey, but I see Tabitha Taylor down on the end.
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:15:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Ms. Dana.
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:37:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Me too. I love the lights above. It gives it that Broadway look.
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:49:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I've got more shots-from-the-side too. Just you wait and see.
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:50:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I've even got a picture of the 'old gray stud'!
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:00:00 AM EDT, said...
THANK YOU BRIAN!!! I have been waiting to see this, I made costumes for Ty and Court and Court and Charlee lyns duets and have been waiting to see photos to decide what they still need before nationals!!! BY THE WAY WE MISSED YOU LAST NIGHT
Dee Anna - At Wed Jun 28, 10:05:00 AM EDT, Dana said...
I'm with you Amy, I can't wait to see a lot of the dances I had to miss.. sure hope we get the video soon.. (hint hint... brian:)
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:17:00 AM EDT, said...
that peach and black is simply stunning....I loved it. That is one of my favorite songs, such a beautiful piece of music for two beautiful girls, inside and out.....MC
- At Wed Jun 28, 07:26:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Look closer at this picture. There's something special. Look again.
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:33:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
But did you notice before I hinted or after? he he
- At Thu Jun 29, 07:04:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Ms. Becky Scott sent this pic to post!

Becky Scott
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:01:00 AM EDT, said...
Micha is the other one with the beautiful leap I might add.
Dee - At Wed Jun 28, 10:15:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Mrs. Dee Anna.
- At Wed Jun 28, 10:04:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Oh Denise, I'm so glad. I really, really enjoyed their performance and love that the photo turned out so well for you (and all of us.) I gotta tell you, when I first opened it, it took my breath away.
- At Wed Jun 28, 08:48:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
I don't know the names of the cuties in yellow. BUT that's Alyssa, Kaylin, Autumn and Haleigh next to them.
- At Wed Jun 28, 08:52:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Tera. Upper right right to left is Miss Tori, and I think Shayla.
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:38:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
All the hand-holding is nice.
- At Tue Jul 04, 05:33:00 PM EDT, said...
AWWWW you 2 look so CUTE!!!! I'm gonig to miss you all so much you have to come back and see us!!!!
Love you all!
~Miranda-Jean~ - At Tue Jul 04, 08:06:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Ok, ok... nobody can leave. I'm not done taking your pictures! ;)
- At Wed Jun 28, 06:40:00 AM EDT, Dana said...
What a cool picture! You capture the best poses Brian!! Is this Molly?
- At Wed Jun 28, 06:45:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Oh you're good Dana!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
- At Wed Jun 28, 06:06:00 AM EDT, Becky said...
Thank you! I needed that this morning.
- At Wed Jun 28, 06:37:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
My pleasure.
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:45:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Amy.
- At Wed Jun 28, 08:46:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
I didn't get a chance to look last night, and I come in the office this morning and find this! You are so sweet Brian. Thanks
- At Wed Jun 28, 09:42:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
You're welcome Ms. Tera.
- At Tue Jun 27, 09:50:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
These are all great pictures. You should be a professional.
- At Tue Jun 27, 09:54:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Tera. I have a surprise for you later.
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:02:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Okay, I have a surprise for you now. look above, well, you probably already have. Did I get that right?
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:41:00 PM EDT, said...
Brian, I think for the first time ever I am speechless....really. I am obsessed. I come home at lunch, I looking at 4:30 in the mornings...Here I am agian at 11 at night. I am worse than the kids on "My Space" LOL I will need a 12 step blog program! Please keep the pictures comming!!
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:45:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
LOL, great.
- At Tue Jun 27, 11:04:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
There are several of us here and others that are here and we don't know it ;) I'm hooked just the same! You gotta admit, this is pure fun and pleasure.
- At Wed Jun 28, 06:08:00 AM EDT, Becky said...
you are right, now we have Mr. Brian hooked. He is checking it every morning and night!
- At Tue Jun 27, 09:36:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I just knew you were here Amy! And yes, we're going. I'm gonna wear some of my new things.
- At Tue Jun 27, 09:40:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I love the two of them here. Kelsey is such a star! Danielle is simply great as Annie.
- At Wed Jun 28, 06:09:00 AM EDT, Becky said...
This is so...Cool, it looks like an advertisement or a playbill
- At Tue Jun 27, 01:08:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Oh, my gosh, Brian, that is beautiful. You should make a poster of that one.
- At Tue Jun 27, 01:38:00 PM EDT, said...
that is stunning.....
- At Tue Jun 27, 02:32:00 PM EDT, said...
Neat pic Brian!!
- At Tue Jun 27, 05:12:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you all. Glad you enjoyed it as much as I do.
- At Tue Jun 27, 09:39:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Denise.
- At Tue Jun 27, 11:49:00 AM EDT, said...
THERE SHE IS!!!! I Love the photo!!! TO CUTE!!! What could she possibly do next year that would fit any better!!! I cant wait to see.
Dee - At Tue Jun 27, 02:31:00 PM EDT, said...
This dance had to be the cutest by far! She was so entertaining to watch. She is a natural born dancer/entertainer! She is so adorable!
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:48:00 PM EDT, Becky said...
this child was born to perform, She just kills me.
- At Wed Jun 28, 06:38:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
I agree, she always looks ready-to-dance.
- At Sat Jul 01, 04:58:00 PM EDT, said...
:) molly
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:06:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Oh that's good Amy, really good. Gosh, you're talking 'bout wedding and stuff, OMG [fainted].
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:08:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Alright my fiends, I would like nothing more than to stay here and post pics, okay, I will! - Rats, gotta go. bye bye
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:14:00 AM EDT, said...
Absolutely Beautiful, I lovvveee that color on her. Gorgeous. As usual. MC
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:19:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
This picture if perfect. I Love It.
- At Tue Jun 27, 02:29:00 PM EDT, said...
Great pose, great picture! Your technique looks awesome Jessica!
- At Tue Jun 27, 09:40:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
THANKS BRIAN. You Made my day!
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:03:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
You're welcome.
- At Tue Jun 27, 09:39:00 AM EDT, said...
TYLER? I think that is the beginning of her lyrical I taught her to Angel. So pretty....Miss Carrie
- At Tue Jun 27, 09:40:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
You're right!
- At Tue Jun 27, 08:52:00 AM EDT, said...
I LOVE THIS PHOTO!!!! How cute, Amy you need to design costumes!!!
Dee - At Tue Jun 27, 09:05:00 AM EDT, Tera said...
This is a great photo. They really stand out in the costumes. Great Job Amy. and the girls did a great job.
P.S. I didn't get a chance to to take any on stage. So Brian if you have any of Haleigh or Picture Perfect on Stage, will you post one for me? - At Tue Jun 27, 10:12:00 AM EDT, said...
I guess us staying up all night in Nashville to get those hobo bags done, was worth all the coffee we had to drink the next day to survive. I laughed when one of the stage hands at Nexstar said to me "THose are the cutest hobos I have ever seen". And I said " they better be." lol......He probably thought, what is her problem? And you won the costume award, It was worth it. Isn't that why they invented coffee. ;} Miss Carrie
Thank you Mr. Steve!

- At Tue Jun 27, 10:16:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
That's what makes me feel great about this. I know some of you, like Amy, spend all your time backstage. My pleasure.
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:34:00 AM EDT, said...
Jordan said to me Amys husband has a nice face, I like his face. That is Jordan's way of saying he thinks you are handsome..... I guess that may be one reason he calls Alyssa his baby. LOL MC
- At Tue Jun 27, 10:48:00 AM EDT, Dana said...
yes.. alyssa looks just like her daddy!! (This was the first time I had seen your husband Amy).
- At Tue Jun 27, 12:18:00 PM EDT, said...
omg, that is right, I forgot about that, that is hilarious, you know he LOVED blues clues, we even had to go see them when they came to louisville and he said, THAT IS NOT STEVE!!! He probably thought it was gonna be your Steve up there. I am cracking up. Jordan is a riot. He is so excited about that mask thing next year, he is like Mom my face is gonna be green.
- At Tue Jun 27, 06:59:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Mr. Steve, you're now famous.
From Becky Scott's collection of pics...

"This was taken In April when the girls were learning the dance to "The Great Adventure"
What I love the most is as you can see Miss Connie decided that SHE wanted to be a Cowgirl too and join in the show! I love that Miss Connie gets right in with the girls and shows them what to do and she teaches the girls with Love and they Love her back!!" - Becky Scott
Mrs. Connie, Ms. Carrie, Jordan and if you can name everyone in this pic, I'll give you some leopard tights I have, well, am going to have soon.
- At Tue Jun 27, 08:03:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Amy and good morning to you.
A Quick Note
I am sorry I don’t have a picture to post! I had to come home from work yesterday at lunch just to see what else had been posted. I love to see them! Please don’t stop!
I just wanted to say thank you to all the moms who helped in the “tunnel” you did a great job getting them changed and back to me for line ups! I thought everything went really smooth thank you, I know how hectic it can be! Thanks again.
And to the cast of Annie….You guys were marvelous dahlings! You were so professional, you did what you were asked, you were ready when you were supposed to be! When things was not exactly as planned you did not loose it on us LOL! I was so impressed! You made all of the hard work worth the effort! So from all of us parents working back stage, we say thank you, and we love you!
And lastly, Mrs. Connie, Ms. Carrie, Mrs. Brie, Mrs. Rachel….Thank you
Sorry, this is the last LOL We have lost and found a lot of things in the dressing rooms and back stage, we have make- up, leotards, gloves, shoes LOL almost enough stuff for another production! I am going to put a box at the studio Please feel free to come in a leave what’s not yours and take what is!
I am finished now….More pictures please!
- At Tue Jun 27, 06:52:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Well said.
- At Tue Jun 27, 06:53:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
And all that stuff, well, that's mine.
- At Wed Jun 28, 06:39:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
ha ha - yea, you'd *love* to see that wouldn't you. ;)
Monday, June 26, 2006
- At Mon Jun 26, 10:42:00 PM EDT, Tera said...
I have been looking all day too. Everyone has posted several great pictures. Gives Brian a little break. See you Saturday and national practice!! Tell Miss Alyssa she danced great too.
- At Tue Jun 27, 06:54:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Hi Tera. Great pics.
- At Tue Jun 27, 06:55:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Ah, this is the kind of picture I'll never get to take. :O
P.S. And it is beautiful!
Oh My Gosh Brian I love this!! I am going blow this one up and frame it for her "Dance Wall" Thank you!!
I thought you'd like it. Glad you do. I think it is just great.
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