The Proud Parent Blog!
Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
It was simply the best!

Seeing everyone today, I just love it! Here is Miss Holly, Danielle, my Jessica and on the table, is Miss Morgan. Thank you Sheri for feeding my Jessica (Sheri is behind the girls I think). Thank you Danielle for the drink! (Click pic for larger image. Photo by Brian Ginn.)
P.S. Oh, and I just can't tell you how excited I was to get back home, look at the website and see two pics posted by families! A dream come true for me! Tera and Dana really made my day. :)
- At Mon May 01, 01:40:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Yes, yes Amy, thank you for the chicken and fries! :)
- At Sun Apr 30, 09:16:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Wow Tera! Great pic!
- At Mon May 01, 08:27:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Great thought Amy. Waddaya think Marla?
- At Mon May 01, 08:43:00 AM EDT, said...
Hey Amy, your right as well as in the pic above. You know Memorial is quite an old place. It will be interesting to see what Marla says.....I studied a little of that myself remember? Miss Carrie
- At Sun Apr 30, 09:02:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Dana, you're the best! A picture, a lovely picture, from today's Memorial performance! :) They were, and are, great together. I'm processing video and they're playing. You'll love it. It was nice seeing you (and everyone) today.
- At Mon May 01, 10:12:00 AM EDT, said...
Dana, I love this photo!! Just printed it for Courtney!! She will have it on her wall of fame in her room. THANKS
Dee Anna
- At Wed May 03, 06:11:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Hi ttucker, I don't thing you or I've seen you here before? Do you want to join as a contributor? I'd love it and the dancers would too.
All the best,
Brian G
P.S. Thank you for the names. We need more families to contribute pics of the very young dancers as mine is a senior and so, well, I spend much more time with that group. - At Wed May 03, 06:51:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
If you'd like to join here as an official 'Contributor', click on my underlined name to email me.
- At Sun Apr 30, 11:18:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank Amy. See you soon!
Saturday, April 29, 2006
'How'd she do her hair like that?!' Everyone wondered..

P.S. - Hey moms, I saw *lots* of photos being taken at the tea party so share them with us! Just ask Amy and Marla how easy it is to post pictures! ;)
- At Sat Apr 29, 09:16:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
LOL! Bailey talked about this hair-do all week long! I had no idea what she was talking about... glad you posted this pic!
- At Sun Apr 30, 09:03:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Yea, I would have never known. :)
- At Sat Apr 29, 09:38:00 AM EDT, said...
The blonde is Kaitlen McCallum. The red head is Jenee Christensen. Kaitlyn is Kristen Mccallum's sister, used to dance at Connie's.
Sheri - At Sat Apr 29, 07:26:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Sheri.
Friday, April 28, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
- At Thu Apr 27, 12:44:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
Aww, miss connie is so sweet.. she looks so excited!! what a sweet picture!
- At Thu Nov 29, 12:56:00 AM EST, said...
[url=]the soapy water moisturizing soap[/url]
[url=]new as ever you do not need[/url]
[url=]for sometime damp cloth[/url]
[url=]before washing. Remember techniques to wash[/url]
[url=]before washing. Remember on the leather[/url]
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
- At Thu Apr 27, 06:51:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Nice Brand-Fam pics from Marla. Gosh Marla, you've done great! Between you and Amy, I have support! Yeah! :) Thank you!
- At Thu Apr 27, 05:33:00 AM EDT, said...
AHHH Look how excited she was to be at our tea party! LOL I LOVE THIS KID!!
- At Thu Apr 27, 12:28:00 PM EDT, said...
funny, I have seen Aunt Aly make that same exact Carrie
- At Thu Apr 27, 06:52:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Casey, the cup in the hair - priceless! You're the best.
Hooo Rahhh Rachel

Ms. Rachel was chosen for the Governors Scholar in the Arts! (I think I have that all-wrong) But this is a really big deal guys. Hundreds of Kids audition for this and only a few make it. And Very few sophomores.
- At Wed Apr 26, 06:09:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Congratulations Rachel and family! BTW, this favorite picture was taken at Jessica's birthday party and lots of the girls made funny face pictures, remember?
- At Wed Apr 26, 09:21:00 AM EDT, said...
Rachel you never cease to amaze me! You have talent that only keeps growing with your maturity. I have no doubt we will be reading some of the most wonderful reviews about you in years to come! CONGRATS AND KUDOS!! You deserve everything that comes your way because you pour your heart and soul into it!
p.s. I can't wait to tell Danielle because I know how awesome she thinks you are too! - At Wed Apr 26, 12:11:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Who's 'Turle woman"?
- At Wed Apr 26, 01:41:00 PM EDT, said...
Duh... it did say clearly 'Amy' as the poster!
- At Wed Apr 26, 10:43:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Congratulations, Rach. I knew you would make it.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
- At Wed Apr 26, 05:23:00 AM EDT, said...
Ahhh The Cinderelly's and the Silly little Fairy LOL
- At Tue Apr 25, 06:01:00 PM EDT, said...
Kool :)
- At Tue Apr 25, 06:41:00 PM EDT, said...
<3 kElSEY - At Wed Apr 26, 08:45:00 AM EDT, said...
See the mom in the middle, that is Kim, she was once a Connie's Dancer, She actually performed in Miss Connie's first recital ever!!! She then went to YPAS and on to OPRYLAND TO PERFORM!!! She is Kaylas mom from the red boot group, HOW AWSOME IS THAT!!!!!!!! Miss Carrie ( all this talent and fame right here at Connies' We got it goin on!!!!!!)
- At Wed Apr 26, 08:56:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Impressive Kim. :)
- At Wed Apr 26, 12:30:00 PM EDT, said...
I love the look on Bailey's face it is worth a million.....Miss Carrie. (She is a little doll)
Monday, April 24, 2006
- At Tue Apr 25, 06:02:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
But Shayla was looking up to you so sweetly! :)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
- At Sat Apr 22, 10:13:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
My brother is out of the hospital this morning. :) Thank you all for your support and love. Love, The Ginn's
- At Sun Apr 23, 07:18:00 AM EDT, said...
Hey Brian that is great news! I know this has been a long week for you. We have missed your Blogs LOL!!
- At Sun Apr 23, 07:53:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
It has, thank you. I've got lots to catch up on. Hey, anybody got any pics they can post? We'd love to see them. :)
- At Sat Apr 22, 08:44:00 AM EDT, said...
We Partied like it was 1999. LOL I made them work very hard though, Sounded Like Sgt. Carter LOL!!! But I think they did a wonderful job. I am excited about the Tea Party!
Friday, April 21, 2006
- At Fri Apr 21, 12:57:00 PM EDT, said...
This is by far the cutest thing ever!!!!! My friends at work crack up at those boots, That is so adorable. I love IT!!!! Miss Carrie
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Tea Party
- At Thu Apr 20, 11:29:00 AM EDT, said...
I think this is such a wonderful idea! Anyway I was thinking are you encouraging the girls coming to the tea party to dress up in nice clothes?? I wasn't sure if a "dress code" was on the invitation? But one of my thoughts was if any of the girls had the pretty "dress up" outfits. For instance, my Emilee has the total Sleeping Beauty pink dress, shoes, crown, etc... I didn't know if the girls would wear regular clothes or dress up clothes?
thanks, Becky S. - At Thu Apr 20, 04:52:00 PM EDT, said...
Becky, I think that sounds like so much fun for the girls! I sent an email to everyone that I knew had tickets. I told them to let the girls really "Glam it up" Feather Boa's, Hats, High Heels, the works! I can't wait to see them. Pass the word! I told Connie to tell the girls that are comming tonight.
Thanks for the great idea!
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
- At Wed Apr 19, 09:58:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Actually, I remember this practice. She was really, really good! I was so impressed with everyone. It was amazing.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
- At Tue Apr 18, 10:31:00 AM EDT, said...
MY LITTLE ANGELS!!!!! Kelsey, Charlee, Emily and Mara please remember to bring your angel costumes tonight, for the little ones, THANKS Miss Carrie
- At Tue Apr 18, 12:08:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Carrie, Emily will not be there tonight, but we will bring it tomorrow night.
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sunday, April 16, 2006
- At Sun Apr 16, 10:48:00 AM EDT, said...
Too Cute! We are going to my mom's, so that is what we will all look like by the end of the day LOL
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Prayer for Brian

Hi Everyone, we need the prayer Angel again. Brian Ginn had to rush his Brother Vince (you guys may remember him from The NC, or at the Studio) to University Hospital this morning, he is in a Coma. Please say a prayer for Brian and his family...Jessica and Cheryl have promised to keep me updated. I will let you guys know, by posting how he is doing.
Brian please let us know if we can help!
- At Sun Apr 16, 07:46:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you.
- At Sun Apr 16, 08:59:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Brian, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. I hope that everything goes well for your brother. Please keep us informed.
- At Sun Apr 16, 01:49:00 PM EDT, said...
Brian, your brother is in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us posted.
- At Sun Apr 16, 03:13:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
My brother has come back! Early this morning he started to respond and now is talking! Amazing :) He is still very very sick.
- At Sun Apr 16, 08:33:00 PM EDT, said...
Great news Brian! We will keep praying
- At Mon Apr 17, 11:23:00 AM EDT, said...
We are praying for you Brian and your brother. If you need anything please let us know. Miss Connie and Miss Carrie
- At Tue Apr 18, 08:45:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
My brother has had a major setback yesterday. He is being treated however. Thank you all very much for your love and support.
- At Fri Apr 21, 06:47:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you - Vince is out of ICU as of yesterday morning.
- At Fri Apr 21, 04:10:00 PM EDT, said...
That is great news Brian, if there is anything we can do, please let us know. Miss Carrie
To celebrate 20,000 page views of this blog comes my all-time fav set of pictures. This is one of them. It is from April 18th, 2000 with, from left to right, Miss Tyler, Courtney, Ashley, Jessica (center) and Alley! (Click pic for larger image. Photo by Brian Ginn.)
Friday, April 14, 2006
- At Fri Apr 14, 02:40:00 PM EDT, said...
Happy BIRTHDAY BABY!!!! I love you so much!!! 12 years ago was one of the happiest days of my life!!! What a "Beautiful Baby" you were!!!(REMEMBER THAT ONE CARRIE!!) Anyway, you are the light of my life, keep your head up!!! Things will turn your way!!! Just like the moth, you too will become that BUTTERFLY!!!!
MOM - At Fri Apr 14, 05:32:00 PM EDT, Kramer said...
Happy Birthday Charlee! We just wanted you to know we were thinking of you and remembering the day you were born! We are so lucky to be your aunt and uncle!
Love Ya!
Uncle Mike and Aunt Kimmie - At Fri Apr 14, 11:26:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Happy Birthday!
- At Sun Apr 16, 08:58:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Charlee, I hope you had a super fantastic birthday. Sorry this is late, but I have not been on the blog all weekend.
- At Sun Apr 16, 01:53:00 PM EDT, said...
Charlee Lynn Happy Late Birthday! I had no idea it was your birthday when we saw you at the movies Friday night. I left work early and didn't check the blog until now. I too can remember when you were so little and cute (and you still are cute), however, now you are a beautiful young lady! Keep reaching for the stars because your star is still waiting for you to reach it!
This is the first of my two all-time fav pics

- At Fri Apr 14, 12:25:00 PM EDT, said...
This is an AWSOME PIC!!!!! I LOVE THAT RED, That was a great costume.....and they are all hugging, look how happy they look. I love it....Miss Carrie
I remember those days, like it was yesterday. (OH NO THAT SOUNDED OLDDDD)
- At Fri Apr 14, 02:27:00 PM EDT, said...
That is Right and today is Ms. Charlee Lyn's 12th Birthday!!!
Go Charlee, Go Charlee....Its your bday LOL
that is Mr.Chase Martin sitting with them
- At Fri Apr 14, 08:51:00 AM EDT, said...
yeah and the blonde baby is Kelsey MacDonald!!!!!!! Wow they grow up too fast.....Miss Carrie
- At Fri Apr 14, 08:59:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
OH it is! wow.
- At Fri Apr 14, 09:28:00 AM EDT, said...
Alright Brian you are going to have to pull out some better pictures than that of me. I look so "outdated". Oh well it's fun to still look at them. Could you find a picture of Heather Locklear and put that on the blog with my name? Now that would work! LOL
- At Fri Apr 14, 11:12:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
- At Fri Apr 14, 02:20:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
You look great. At least now-a-days, I can remember your name!!! he he
Thursday, April 13, 2006
- At Thu Apr 13, 11:54:00 PM EDT, Dana said...
Aww Brian! These pictures you have been posting are so sweet!! I've only known these girls for about a year.. it's hard to believe they were once this small!! Now you know even after Jessica moves on to bigger things, you still have to keep coming to Connie's to take pics and post them on this blog for when our "little ones" are big starz!!
- At Fri Apr 14, 06:16:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Dana (I was hoping you would take the pics once I'm gone - no, I'll just sign up for classes for myself ;) he he
- At Thu Apr 13, 12:47:00 PM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Yes, sir, that's my baby. :)
- At Thu Apr 13, 07:44:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
- At Wed Apr 12, 08:27:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
It's beautiful.
- At Thu Apr 13, 09:37:00 AM EDT, said...
Ahh Brian that is a beautiful touch to the picture I love so much. I love the "sparkles" all over. You have too much time on your hands but we really appreciate all the thougtfulness you put into the "magic touches" on these pictures.
Thank you and have a great day! - At Thu Apr 13, 09:37:00 AM EDT, said...
Ahh Brian that is a beautiful touch to the picture I love so much. I love the "sparkles" all over. You have too much time on your hands but we really appreciate all the thougtfulness you put into the "magic touches" on these pictures.
Thank you and have a great day! - At Thu Apr 13, 09:37:00 AM EDT, said...
Ahh Brian that is a beautiful touch to the picture I love so much. I love the "sparkles" all over. You have too much time on your hands but we really appreciate all the thougtfulness you put into the "magic touches" on these pictures.
Thank you and have a great day! - At Thu Apr 13, 09:40:00 AM EDT, said...
Sorry I was having trouble with my computer and I didn't think it posted! I was having a "blonde moment"!!!! LOL
- At Thu Apr 13, 10:19:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Brian, that is beautiful. But I was wondering, were you doing this WHILE you were driving? I knew you were talented, but ....... LOL
- At Thu Apr 13, 10:27:00 AM EDT, said...
Miss Ashley says she did this on her way to FLA. :)
- At Thu Apr 13, 10:47:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Oh, I read it wrong. I thought it was Brian. :)
Good work, Ashley. - At Thu Apr 13, 11:57:00 AM EDT, said...
Oh I read it wrong too. I didn't realize it was Ashley but I still love it! Thank you Ashley and Brian too!
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