The Proud Parent Blog!
Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
Sunday, July 31, 2005
- At Mon Aug 01, 12:24:00 PM EDT, said...
- At Mon Aug 01, 02:54:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you. It was taken at Memorial about 2000(?) and it is of the same performances as the entry below titled "Courtney, Jessica Ginn and Jessica Macdonald". All the best, Brian
- At Mon Aug 01, 03:37:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Actually, it was taken in color but very often I'll convert to black and white as I feel it just might look better as this one did. I love it. - All the best, Brian
Saturday, July 30, 2005
- At Mon Aug 01, 10:04:00 AM EDT, said...
She had to go through two preliminaries, but she qualified in the second (4th place).
It again seemed quite political, but, even though I am her mom, she was awesome in her second performance. Brian, Cheryl and Jessica were there. Just ask them!
She's at dance team right now. She'll probably get back to you later.
Linda - At Mon Aug 01, 12:08:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Oh yes, Ashley was really, really good! All the best, Brian
- At Mon Aug 01, 03:38:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Ashley, you're going to be a big star one day. I can just tell. You are so animated!
Friday, July 29, 2005
- At Mon Aug 01, 11:42:00 AM EDT, Marla Jo said...
Amanda, Sheri and Kelsey.
Support our Ashley!

Your Senior Star Ashley Ferry (center) will be at Jefferson Mall tomorrow, Saturday, 2pm to tryout for the State Fair! Everyone is welcome to come by and support her! Good luck Ashley!
(click pic for larger image. Photo by Brian Ginn.)
- At Fri Jul 29, 04:33:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
May I be the first to wish you well Ashley. You are truly a wonderful dancer and musician. All the best, Brian Ginn
- At Mon Aug 01, 03:13:00 PM EDT, said...
where WAS that????
- At Fri Jul 29, 03:47:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Good luck Ashley on your State Fair tryout tomorrow!
- At Fri Jul 29, 01:30:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Emily you are my best copy editor! Thank You. At lease I got it right in the post above that! All the best, Brian. Hey how did it go last night?
- At Fri Jul 29, 01:33:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Oh hey Emily, you are more than welcome to edit my post. That way, if you like you can correct anything you see. I'd appreciate it. All the best, Brian This goes for anyone else here too. I trust all of you.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
- At Thu Jul 28, 08:57:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
What was this dance?
- At Fri Jul 29, 07:58:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Thank you Emily.
- At Mon Aug 01, 03:25:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
Who is that pulling the top of Davids' hair? It is too funnY!
Take your picture today and put it here.

I want as many photos of Connie's dancers as possible. Why? Because you love seeing your fellow dancers! Take a picture of yourself, right now (or tonight at dance) and put it here. Take a self portrait or a group shot tonight at dance if you like. If you don't have a picture, take one! New dance moms, get your child's picture here. Ask Becky or myself, Brian, or better yet all the contributors listed here can help. IM or Text Message your fellow dancers and tell them. I understand there are about 100 dancers at Connie's. How many know about this site and how many pics can we get here?
All the best,
- At Wed Aug 03, 12:49:00 PM EDT, said...
Yes, the girls did work hard last night Brian there were a few interuptions but, that is expected in the summer. I expect the girls will do AWSOME at the FAIR as the always do!! ( I am very confident in my dancers and my ideas!!! ) Guess who that was from!!!
- At Wed Aug 03, 08:41:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
I think I know but who said that but I just won't say. he he
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
New and Young Dancers.

Hello Dancers and Parents,
I'd like to invite all of you to join us and post pictures and stories of your young dancers. We all take pictures of our own or our groups. We want to see them! The older kids love the younger dancers.
To join send an email to or contact Becky directly. Then you'll get a formal invitation to join us here and you can post pictures and stories too!
All the best,(Click pic for larger image. Photos by Brian Ginn from Recital 2005 at Kentucky Center. Miss Courtney is in one of them from the Senior Stars! Wonder why I'm not in many pics? I look great! Did you see me dancing below? he he Oh yes, and in one of the pics a young dancer is holding up her trophy!)
- At Wed Jul 27, 10:27:00 AM EDT, Brian G said...
Did you like the wedding pics Jessica handed out last night? How's Ashley? You better? All the best, Brian
- At Wed Jul 27, 12:22:00 PM EDT, said...
Yeah, I Guess... My foot still hurts alot. I can't really walk on it yet but I can put a little pressure on it. I'll be okay in a few days!
- At Wed Jul 27, 12:25:00 PM EDT, said...
What Below pic???
- At Wed Jul 27, 01:56:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
The photo in the entry "Miss Ashley and Miss Jessica and her sis Amanda" way below. Glad you're better Ashley. All the best, Brian
- At Wed Jul 27, 12:24:00 PM EDT, said...
VOLCANO GIRLS... I remember we only danced in about two 8 counts of the whole thing!
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
- At Tue Jul 26, 04:52:00 PM EDT, said...
Awwww... you guys look alot alike. I bet your glad he's home for awhile..
- At Tue Jul 26, 07:27:00 PM EDT, Brian G said...
You guys are the best! Salute! I was in the 1st Gulf War.
P.S. Jessica is delivering a picture for you SS tonight. :)
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