Freinds & Family All about our Great Kids doing Great Kid things!
posted by Brian G @ 6:23 AM
ha ha and you know, something 'bout the lobby pics that really, really look good I've noticed.
Hey Brian, Tyler loves this picture! Em & Natalie are the greatest!!!
Glad she does. I like it. It's Picture Perfect
It was kinda weird not seeing the Merrett's at dance last night and then I understand you're not going to be here all week - the world has come to and end as we know it! We miss you all. But I did see the entire Brand-Fam ;0
ok Brian everyone seems to be on you about spelling so why not me ....the correct spelling is MERRITT...LOL. DONT BE HURT CLICKMAN !
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ha ha and you know, something 'bout the lobby pics that really, really look good I've noticed.
Hey Brian, Tyler loves this picture! Em & Natalie are the greatest!!!
Glad she does. I like it. It's Picture Perfect
It was kinda weird not seeing the Merrett's at dance last night and then I understand you're not going to be here all week - the world has come to and end as we know it! We miss you all. But I did see the entire Brand-Fam ;0
ok Brian everyone seems to be on you about spelling so why not me ....the correct spelling is MERRITT...LOL. DONT BE HURT CLICKMAN !
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