A Mothers MOMENT

I know all you moms will understand, I have had an emotional weekend and wanted to share it with you!!! My BABY who you all know is 18 now, had his prom!!! I feel like Becky, I cried all weekend!!! He is going to graduate on May 20th and is moving to Western Kentucky!!! Im not handeling this well!! Anyway, he had a great weekend and I wanted to share a photo from prom with you!! He is a real character and as you can tell had fun as usual!!!
Wow Dee, didn't mean to post above you (didn't see yours with all the posting). I know you've been trough lots. Wow, this pic looks like from the 1920's only in color. Love it. :)
That pic is perfect, He and she both look marvelous, I bet they had a ball, I am so excited for Corbin that he is going to Western a friend of mine Wynter Gorman is going there also , she tried out for the cheer team and made 1st alternate....She is beautiful, maybe her and Corbin should meet. LOL :}!!!! miss carrie
NO WAY!!! NO GIRLS!! I am hoping he will actually do well at school!!! JUST JOKING !! LOVE YA, didnt get to talk to you much yesterday, I was in a zone!!! NO SLEEP ALL WEEKEND>
Oh Dee Anna they look great! It's kinda "mobster looking"! I love it! I know you and Corbin are close and you will miss him dearly. Corbin is such a pleasant young man, you should be very proud. How did the birthday party go?
Hey Laura, Birthday party went well!! It was a very busy day!!! And for all those who misunderstood MS Carries comment when Courtney danced, SHE SAID She was the BRAVEST dancer to dance to her SINGING!!!!! Not the best dancer!!!!
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