I'm Back!!!
During Spring Break I had gone to Virginia..........Williamsburg I should say.....It was so cool! We went to Jamestown and The Monticello! The Monticello was Thomas Jefferson's home that he had built. And the garden......whew.........was incredible! It was 1 mile long!!! It was so nice and neat. We also went to the jamestown settlement where Pocahontas and John Smith were....it was neat. I can't believe how much I missed. I was away from a computer for so long i didn't realize that all this would be posted. First of all Congrads to Amanda.....let's all hope for a girl!!! 2nd Brian....you can't really fool anybody with that April fool's joke!!! 3rd...................YAY RACHEL IS FINISHED......so it's all done? all of it? there's just 2 acts and that's it? Well I am so glad to be back home and if you have any questoins feel free 2 ask me or my mom. We all learned a lot @ Virginia. Just for fun......Does anyone know how tall Thomas Jefferson was? Take a guess!
Hey Em, I am so sorry I called you on your Vac. LOL I knew you were going,your mom told me...Sorry agian!
I say 5'
Welcome back Emily!
Yea, 'bout the April Fool, I know, Brian, Becky's Brian as you read told me the same thing but I laughed all day thinking I just had done the funniest thing - he he ;)
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