YPAS / audition date 1
Well they made it through the audition!
I have a few more grey hairs, and I am not even going to tell what
Dee Anna had to do to get through this LOL.
Now we wait....I think 3 weeks!
I have to tell you, I love our
Studio family, We so much appreciate Brian taking all of the pictures and Jessica posting her encouragement! Kelsey, Holly & Ashley, walked back over to YPAS to stay with the girls until it was over! Wow what friends...
So... you know what, make it or not. These girls are my heros!
It takes so much courage to do the things they do, just because they love to dance!
I have been blown away today by the suport of our extended family...thank you all!
Now its Morgan's turn!
Go Morgan!! Go Morgan!!!
That is such good news! So nice that Ashely, Kelsey and Holly were there for support. So nice indeed.
aww thanks guys! i had to go say good luck! i was standing in the hallway and the doors to the audition were shut but I looked in the crack of it and I saw Courtney do a turn and I was like YES! GO COURTNEY! HAHA all the moms were staring at me! It was funny and I'm sure you girls did great! I love you both! Love,
As if any of us doubted for one second that they would be anything but amazing. I'm sure you guys left everyone in awe and wondering, "What are they feeding those girls over there at Connie's? They are spectacular!" If only they knew it's just White Castle and Dairy Queen. Shh, don't tell anyone our secret. We are so proud of all of you :)
-The Brand Fam.
Way to go, girls!! I know you did fabulous, as always. And Morgan, you will do fabulous, too. :)
I'm so glad to hear you girls did so well! I didn't doubt one second you would do any different. You girls are top notch and don't foget it!!!! That was very sweet of the other girls to show their support! The family network at Connie's is the best! That Nichols family really got on my nerves at first, but they have grown on me now (ha ha)! Morgan you will do great on Monday! You have a great deal of confidence and a great attitude along with awesome training! I love ya girl! Sheri I will see you on Saturday at Fairdale and I will have meds in hand for you!
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