"No bunny rabbit ears" said Mrs. Brie
While getting pics tonight for Mrs. Carrie, I got a group pic with Mrs. Brie (lower left front) and my very own Miss Jessica (Tall back). Well you'll find lots of dancers here but please help me with their names. I see in pink and black Miriah and to her left is Kelsey (see I did put another of her here mom!). Tori is to Jessica's left and in light pink is Caitlynn. Please help me with the other names. (Click pic for larger image. Photo by Brian Ginn.)
I also spoke with lots of moms tonight. Very fun to meet Micah's mom (from Connie's class.) I met her dad the first day they came over the summer! I did take Mrs. Connie's pic and Caitlynn's too. Mrs. Brie's too and boy as you can tell she was fun! Oh most of the pics from today are at the studio. I got three copies of each, six of Danielle (for you Laura) but forgive me Emily, I'll have to print your again. They are on the desk for all of you. They printed them a tad darker than I wanted but for $7 for 36 prints is was a deal! Enjoy
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