Who's upside down in the corner?
Dancers and teachers, you are welcome to import your solo's and group music into the computer. Lots of the dancers know how and you might too - it uses iTunes. An older version but it works! Also, if you'd like, I can edit or 'cut' the music but I'd rather teach you how - Steve, Joe, Ken, Randy - I can show you too ;). The computer can do that too. To turn on the computer is a round button on the front nex to the speaker. To turn it off push it as well. Photo is Emily, Alexa and Holly too! (Click pic for larger image. Photo by Brian Ginn.)
DeeAnna and Amy, I called Mekelle today about costumes,they said the in hand date they gave us is Jan. 19th, I told her we have a competition on the 21st, she said she would do her best to get them to us by the 16th, but at the latest the 18th. I hope that they get here then, but they will definitley be here in time for comp. Miss Carrie. ATTENTION: SENIOR EXTREME STARZ we have practice for comp on Sunday 4:30-6:30. Please be there and bring 3$. THANK YOU.
I am kinda thinking that may be one of mine upsidedown in the corner......
I see LOL
I hope you get better soon Becky! (Becky has a cold).
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