About Today and Tomorrow

This is not official news, just personal news. Jessica as you know has been sick. She missed almost all of school this week. She is better but the meds have made it so she can't dance tomorrow or even be outside. But I still want to come and take pics! In other words - I can't help myself! And Steve, yes S.E.'s Steve, I'm testing a new toy tomorrow.
All the best,
(Click pic for larger image. Photo by Amy Brand.)
sorry Brian, but since Jessica cannot be our Snow Queen, as parents it is up to you or Cheryl to suit up in the tutu and sparkle toe shoes and become the Snow Queen.....LOL just teasing of course. Jessica I am so sorry you are sick, the NC will not be the same. Take care of your self, hope you feel better soon.
Gosh... well... I'll try to be the best Snow Queen ever! he he
... and I want my own dressing room, a star outside of course, French Vanilla (always) and...
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