Say a Prayer

Hello everyone!
As some of you know, DeeAnna and her family went to the Smokies for Thanksgiving. When they come home today They found a water line in their upstairs had burst, evidently it burst on Wed. after they left, and water has poured until today (sunday) I just came from there, all of their ceilings are gone, The walls are ruined, the basement has water standing....It was awful. The boys rooms are in the basement, they lost everything. Everything is wet, the water has run through the walls and down. All of the furniture is ruined...It is very sad. The insurance man said they would probably be out of the house for 2 to 3 months....As you can imagine they can use all of our prayers right now. Courtney is with me, Corbyn is staying with a friend and Dee, Glen, Charlee and Chase are staying at Dee's mom tonight. I will keep you guys updated; just remember them in your prayers tonight.
Oh my. I just read this and I've tried to call Dee Anna but I don't have the right number! I think I left a message with you Becky and Brian, so if Dee Anna or you guys need help from me I can help with anything. I live downtown as you know I can pick up and deliver. They can even stay here with us - Jessica would love that. Love, Brian and Jessica.
Jessica and I will pray extra prayers for all of you, if there is anything at all that we can do to help out please let us know. I have plenty of room in this big house, especially during the week when Jessica is with Brian for school. I don't live very far from Becky and I am home most all day. Charlee, I will even give up my bed for you (remember Jessica's birthday Party). All the dogs would enjoy having you, especially Princess and Scamp. Dee Anna, if you don't have my number, I am in the phone book, not alot of Ginn's in there, so I am easy to find. Love, Cheryl(Woodstock) and Jessica
Thanks guys I will let her know. You can't reach her by phone right now, they will not be able to stay in their home for a couple of months. They are staying at Dee's mom's house in Bardstown right now.
Hey Guys, Thank you so much for all the kind thoughts! I am at work right now and went to the blog to cheer myself up, I look forward everyday to seeing what Brian has loaded! All the dancers are so beatiful and dear to my heart! Its funny how my DANCE FAMILY is where my heart is! BECKY, what can I say YOU are my BACKBONE, with out you all my EVENTS would be so much worst! I Never knew when I started at Connies, I would find A Best Friend, A WHOLE BUNCH OF FAMILY, You guys are the greatest!! I will be staying with my mom in Bardstown for a while, Brian and Cheryl thanks so much for the offer, A family of 6 can really cause an uproar!! Right now I just need to get my stuff in order and move on! So many worst things could happen. This is all fixable. I can live with the losses, there were no humans involved!!! Agian thank you guys so much, If I same even more insane than usual just excuse me!! I love you all!
Hey Dee Anna! At work... 11:30? PM? Just kidding - really I understand. It must be hard. Tell Becky she is going to have to share Courtney and Charlee!
Dont know why it posted as 11:30 pm it was 6:30am
Jessica and I thought of Courtney and Tyler as we drove by their school this morning on the way to Jessica's school and how early the girls must have to get up to ride the bus to school and how hard it must be on them. So if I can help Becky or Dee Anna with transporting let me know. Love, Cheryl(Woodstock) and Jessica
Dee Anna my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Anything I can do or help with just let me know. If those girls need a change on the weekends, my house is available. Courtney would entertain us all. We have had a few minor leaks from our upstairs to our basement so I can only imagine what you guys have. Thank goodness for your strong family and network of friends. It sounds like you are taking the best approach dealing with things. As always, we are just a phone call away.
I am so sorry to hear of your tragedy. If Emily, Doug or I can do anything, please don't hesitate to ask.
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