Miss Tyler, Miss Tori and the Nutcracker Miss Emily!

All the best,
P.S. And Miss Tori, your dad Joe had a wonderful idea. He suggested we take photos of everyone at the end of performances. Maybe Miss Carrie or Mrs. Connie could arrange that in the future! And Joe, I really, really appreciate your support Saturday. Thank you so much. you're the best!
(Click pic for larger image. Photo by Brian Ginn.)
My pleasure Emily :)
tyler-- I noticed you rite off the bat and now I have to say something about you!
tyler you are a wonderful, graceful, incredable, amazing dancer! Everytime i watch you dance i get cold chills! you are a awesome dancer and a best friend a grl can have i love you like a real sister! I mean we basically are bsides blood lol i wouldn't change u 4 the world and I love being the red head with the bad temper in your personal essay lol I love you! You are such a great dancer and one day wen you dance in that big ballet company i'll be there crying! lol love you again
--Courtney Blair
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