Emily, Rachel, Ashley and Tyler have!

You're happy and I'm happy! I've gotten lots of compliments on the web site (it is formally a blog short for web log). Autumn's picture has been sent to her family I've learned today because of her pic being here - Thank you Dennis and Anglia for the note! Got it just today :) You made my day happier.
Send me your pictures to put up here! Do it right now or better, join as a member and do it yourself. Emily, Rachel, Ashley and Tyler have! (Do some more please.) Lots more dancers and family members have left the very best comments too. (who is 'u kno who' anyway?) Oh and if you're missing an old story, check the 'archives'. To become a member, write me Brian@BrianGinn.com or Becky. Lots of the dancers know how too. Just ask them. Emily, you look great in this pic! (Click pic for larger image. Photo by Brian Ginn.)
All the best,
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